General information
The 52nd edition of the Paris International Tournament will be held from April 19 to 21 2025 at the prestigious École Normale Supérieure, 45 rue d'Ulm, Paris 5th district.
The Paris tournament has a long tradition and was often the largest tournament in Europe alongside the European Go Congress. It is part of the European Grand Prix with bonus level B.
Top boards will be broadcasted live on online Go servers and a professional player will be invited to comment the games on the Twitch channel of the European Go Federation.
Please have a look at our Partners tab. The tournament would be impossible without their support !
The tournament venue is non-smoking, alcoholic beverages are prohibited (it is also forbidden to bring your own alcoholic drinks to the tournament place).
For any question, remark or suggestion, contact us by e-mail.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you want to help. Some tasks are compatible with a participation in the tournament !
53rd Paris International Tournoi in 2026
Enjoy the tournament ! We hope to see you all again next year for the 53rd edition of the Paris International Tournament, from April 4 to 6 2026.
Information générales
Le 52e Tournoi International de Paris se déroulera du 19 au 21 avril 2025 à la prestigieuse École Normale Supérieure, 45 rue d'Ulm, Paris 5e.
Le tournoi de Paris a une longue tradition et a souvent été le plus grand tournoi en Europe en dehors du congrès européen. Il compte pour le Grand Prix Européen avec un bonus de niveau B.
Des parties seront commentées en direct sur la chaîne Twitch de la Fédération Européenne de Go. Un joueur professionnel sera invité pour commenter les parties des meilleurs joueurs.
N’hésitez pas à jeter un œil à nos Partners. Le tournoi ne pourrait se faire sans leur soutien !
Le lieu du tournoi est non-fumeur et sans alcool. (Il est aussi interdit aux participants d'apporter des boissons alcoolisées !)
Pour toute question, remarque ou suggestion, vous pouvez nous contacter par e-mail :
Recherche de bénévoles
L'organisation nécessite un grand nombre de bénévoles pour la préparation et la mise en œuvre du tournoi. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter si vous voulez aider. Certaines tâches sont tout à fait compatibles avec une participation au tournoi !
53e Tournoi international de Paris en 2026
Nous espérons que vous passerez un bon tournoi ! Nous espérons vivement de vous voir tous l’année prochaine à la 53e édition du Tournoi International de Paris, 4 au 6 avril 2026.
Saturday 19th Aril | |
10:00 - 12:00 | Registrations |
13:30 | Opening ceremony |
14:00 | Round 1 |
18:00 | Round 2 |
Sunday 20th April | |
09:30 | Round 3 |
14:00 | Round 4 |
18:00 | Lightning tournament |
Monday 21st April | |
09:00 | Round 5 |
13:30 | Round 6 |
17:30 | Closing ceremony |
- 6 round McMahon tournament with -1 handicap
- French rules. Players and organisers should also follow EGF General tournament rules.
- Fischer time 50 minutes + 20 seconds per move
- Komi : 7,5 points or 0,5 points if handicap game
- Your entry level is your current EGF ranking (GoR)
- McMahon bar for top-group
- French residents need a valid FFG licence. Non-french residents should be member or their home-country Go organisation.
Several referees will be available during the tournament. An international appeals committee will be nominated by the organisers at the beginning of the tournament.
Entry Fee and Registration
To benefit from the pre-registration fee you need also pay before March 31st. | ||
Before March 31st | From March 31st | |
Junior (under 18) | 25 € | 35 € |
Adult | 35 € | 45 € |
Following your online registration you will receive an e-mail with instructions for the payment. We propose 3 methods for payment in advance:
- Credit Card :
(You might want to uncheck the demand for financial support of HelloAsso at the end.) - Bank transfer :
IBAN : FR76 3000 3040 4000 0372 6318 994
Reference : Paris 2025
Bank address : 4 avenue de Stalingrad, F-78260 ACHERES - Players with a french bank account can also send us a check by surface mail. Please contact us by e-mail.
You can also pay on site of course. We will accept cash and french checks.
Exceptionally for non-french residents,
if you registered by March 31st the reduced fee will be applied for payments on site.
Sorry, registrations are not yet open !
Please note that we have to give the ENS a list of player and visitor names. They do access control and might refuse persons not on the list to enter. So please register as a visitor on our registration tab to asure beeing on the list.
The first 8 players of the top-group will receive the following cash prizes : | |
1st ‣ | 1000 € |
2nd ‣ | 600 € |
3th ‣ | 400 € |
4th ‣ | 300 € |
5th ‣ | 200 € |
6th ‣ | 100 € |
7th ‣ | 100 € |
8th ‣ | 100 € |
Players with 4 or more wins (outside of the top-group) : | |
6 wins ‣ | 100 € |
5 wins ‣ | 50 € |
4 wins ‣ | gift offered by our partners ! |
Lightning tournament : | |
1st ‣ | 150 € |
2nd ‣ | 100 € |
3rd ‣ | 50 € |
EGF Bonus Points
The Paris International Tournament joined the European Grand Prix tournaments.
We participate as a Bonus Point Tournament level B.
34 bonus points for the Grand Prix Final qualification are distributed : 12, 9, 6, 4, 2 et 1 points for the first 6 European players.
For any question, remark or suggestion, you can contact us by e-mail.
The above rules and conditions are subject to changes until the tournament starts or even during the tournament if the organisers or referees believe it is necessary.
Samedi 19 avril | |
10:00 - 12:00 | Inscriptions |
13:30 | Ouverture de la compétition |
14:00 | 1e ronde |
18:00 | 2e ronde |
Dimanche 20 avril | |
09:30 | 3e ronde |
14:00 | 4e ronde |
18:00 | Tournoi de Blitz |
Lundi 21 avril | |
09:00 | 5e ronde |
13:30 | 6e ronde |
17:30 | Remise des prix et cérémonie de clôture |
- Tournoi McMahon en 6 rondes à handicap -1
- Règles françaises. Les joueurs et organisateurs sont tenus de suivre les EGF General tournament rules.
- Temps Fischer de 50 minutes + 20 secondes par coup
- Komi : 7,5 points ou 0,5 points si partie à handicap
- Le niveau d’inscription est votre niveau EGF actuel (GoR).
- McMahon bar pour top-group
- Les joueurs résidant en France doivent avoir une licence FFG.
Plusieurs arbitres seront disponibles pendant le tournoi. Une commission d’appel internationale sera nommée par les organisateurs au début du tournoi.
Frais d'inscription et paiement
Pour bénéficier du tarif réduit avant le 31 mars les frais d’inscription doivent aussi être réglés avant cette date. | ||
Avant le 31 mars | A partir du 31 mars | |
Jeune moins de 18 ans | 25 € | 35 € |
Adulte | 35 € | 45 € |
Suite à votre inscription vous recevrez un e-mail avec les instructions pour le paiement. Nous proposons 3 méthodes de paiement en avance:
- Carte de credit :
(Vous pouvez décocher la demande de soutien de HelloAsso à la fin.) - Virement bancaire :
IBAN : FR76 3000 3040 4000 0372 6318 994
Bénéficiaire du compte : LIGUE DE GO DE L'ILE DE FRANCE
Référence : Paris 2025
Domiciliation du compte : 4 avenue de Stalingrad, F-78260 ACHERES - Les joueurs qui ont un compte bancaire dans une banque Française peuvent aussi envoyer un chèque par voie postale. Merci de nous contacter par e-mail.
Vous pouvez bien sûr régler votre inscription sur place. Nous accepterons des paiements en espèces et par chèque bancaire.
Les inscriptions ne sont pas encore ouverts !
Nous sommes dans l'obligation de donner à l'ENS une liste avec les noms de tous les joueurs et visiteurs. Il y a un contrôle d'accès à l'entrée et des personnes qui ne figurent pas sur la liste peuvent être réfusé d'accéder. Merci des vous inscrire dans l'onglet Registration en tant que visteur si vous comptez à jeter un coup d'oeuil pendant le tournoi.
Les 8 premiers du classement final seront récompensés comme suit : | |
1er ‣ | 1000 € |
2e ‣ | 600 € |
3e ‣ | 400 € |
4e ‣ | 300 € |
5e ‣ | 200 € |
6e ‣ | 100 € |
7e ‣ | 100 € |
8e ‣ | 100 € |
Les joueurs ayant au moins 4 victoires seront récompensés ainsi (non cumulable avec les prix précédents) : | |
6 victoires ‣ | 100 € |
5 victoires ‣ | 50 € |
4 victoires ‣ | lot offerts par nos partenaires ! |
Tournoi de Blitz : | |
1st ‣ | 150 € |
2nd ‣ | 100 € |
3rd ‣ | 50 € |
EGF Bonus Points
Le Tournoi International de Paris fait partie du circuit des tournois du Grand Prix Européen.
Nous participons en tant que Bonus Point Tournament Level B.
Il donne des points qualificatifs pour la finale du Grand Prix : 12, 9, 6, 4, 2 et 1 points (34 au total) pour les 6 premiers européens éligibles.
Pour toute question, remarque ou suggestion, vous pouvez nous contacter par e-mail :
Les organisateurs et arbitres se réservent le droit de modifier les règles et conditions d’ici le début du tournoi et même pendant la durée de ce dernier si cela s’avère nécessaire.
How to get to the tournament
The venue
École Normale Supérieure, 45 rue d'Ulm, Paris 5e.Access
The Paris metro stations Place Monge or Censier-Daubenton — both metro line 7 — or Luxembourg — RER B — are just 8 minutes walk from the tournament venue.Map
Hotels :
Please use the well known internet portals to book your hotel room.
Youth hostel
At the Youth Hostel (auberge de jeunesse) Paris- Yves Robert
you can get accommodation from 44,10 €/night per person in a shared room and you have to add a membership card for 2 €.
The hostel is close to Gare du Nord station and you can reach the tournament venue by RER B.
Another possibility is the Hôtel CIS Kellermann
that offers twin or triple bed-rooms starting from 42,60€/night per person (69,60 for 2), breakfast included
Address : 17 Boulevard Kellermann 75013 PARIS, Métro ligne 7, station Porte d’Italie
Venir au tournoi
École Normale Supérieure, 45 rue d'Ulm, Paris 5e.Accès
L’ENS est desservie par le RER B station Luxembourg et par la ligne 7 du métro (stations Place Monge ou Censier-Daubenton). Il y a environ 8 minutes de marche à pied.Plan
Hôtels :
Merci d'utiliser les portails internet pour réserver vos chambres d’hôtel ou appartement.
Hébergement en auberge de jeunesse
L’auberge de jeunesse Paris- Yves Robert
propose des hébergements à partir de 44,10 €/nuit par personne en chambre partagée plus une carte d'adhésion de 2 €.
Proche de la Gare du Nord, elle vous permet de rejoindre le lieu du tournoi via le RER B.
Une autre possibilité est le Hôtel CIS Kellermann
qui propose des chambres doubles ou triples à partir de 42,40€/nuit par personne (69,60 pour deux) le petit déjeuner inclus.
Adresse: 17 Boulevard Kellermann 75013 PARIS, accès : Métro ligne 7, station Porte d’Italie

--> Fields with an * are mandatory.
--> You will receive a confirmation by e-mail with details about how to pay.

--> Les champs avec un * sont obligatoires.
--> Vous allez reçevoir un mail de confirmation avec des détails sur les modalités de paiement.

Updated : 28-03-2025 18h04, 118 registered participants (Sort by clicking on row title)
# | EGF Pin/Id | Name | Co | Club | Grade | Rating (GoR) | MM | Rounds (1-6) |
1 | 15213374 | Oh Chi-Min | ![]() | 31To | 8D | 2768 | 34 | ++++++ |
2 | 19762732 | Yang Yaoling | ![]() | Bris | 7D | 2736 | 34 | ++++++ |
3 | 14513532 | Drean-Guenaizia Benjamin | ![]() | 13Ma | 7D | 2686 | 34 | ++++++ |
4 | 15450072 | Krushelnytskyi Valerii | ![]() | Rivn | 7D | 2677 | 34 | ++++++ |
5 | 20633162 | Maekawa Kaku | ![]() | K | 6D | 2619 | 34 | ++++++ |
6 | 19486379 | Qiu Zeyu | ![]() | Bmhm | 6D | 2607 | 34 | ++++++ |
7 | 14898301 | Neirynck Lucas | ![]() | 75Ju | 6D | 2598 | 34 | ++++++ |
8 | 17933608 | Zhang Shukai_Kirby | ![]() | F | 6D | 2554 | 34 | ++++++ |
9 | 20698942 | Yuan Yixin | ![]() | Reyk | 5D | 2515 | 34 | ++++++ |
10 | 20637683 | Furukawa Yasumasa | ![]() | NoCb | 5D | 2514 | 34 | ++++++ |
11 | 15762186 | Ougier Guillaume | ![]() | 92An | 5D | 2498 | 34 | ++++++ |
12 | 20698623 | Maekawa Akira | ![]() | K | 5D | 2473 | 34 | ++++++ |
13 | 16213901 | Come Theo | ![]() | 56Lo | 4D | 2472 | 34 | ++++++ |
14 | 14813139 | Czernecki Cezary | ![]() | Bial | 5D | 2461 | 34 | ++++++ |
15 | 14601631 | Bouette Valerian | ![]() | 75Ju | 4D | 2424 | 33 | ++++++ |
16 | 15774187 | Ougier Ariane | ![]() | 92An | 5D | 2414 | 33 | ++++++ |
17 | 13286801 | Ly Boris | ![]() | 92An | 4D | 2389 | 33 | ++++++ |
18 | 14062609 | Wolf Oliver | ![]() | 91Or | 4D | 2384 | 33 | ++++-- |
19 | 16262015 | Dumont Louis | ![]() | 75Al | 4D | 2383 | 33 | ++++++ |
20 | 19574280 | Dach Bartik | ![]() | BMik | 4D | 2373 | 32 | ++++++ |
21 | 13798631 | Lips Fabien | ![]() | 75Al | 4D | 2358 | 33 | ++++++ |
22 | 19637948 | Barcza Bende | ![]() | PaGo | 3D | 2357 | 32 | ++++++ |
23 | 14362018 | Bocle Milena | ![]() | 38Gr | 4D | 2339 | 32 | ++++++ |
24 | 13562307 | Kunne Stephan | ![]() | 35Re | 4D | 2318 | 32 | ++++++ |
25 | 18301382 | Bounoider Lucman | ![]() | Pant | 3D | 2303 | 32 | ++++++ |
26 | -------- | Su Hanghui | ![]() | 75Al | 3D | 2300 | 32 | ++++++ |
27 | 15325508 | Frangi Manuel | ![]() | 75Al | 3D | 2292 | 32 | ++++++ |
28 | 10662729 | Berben Tobias | ![]() | HH | 3D | 2289 | 32 | ++++++ |
29 | 15274072 | Prist Kevin | ![]() | Pant | 3D | 2261 | 32 | ++++++ |
30 | 14250379 | Gattullo Elia | ![]() | 75Ju | 3D | 2254 | 32 | ++++++ |
31 | 17813389 | Li Shizhao | ![]() | W | 3D | 2248 | 32 | ++++++ |
32 | 15237332 | Guevel Brendan | ![]() | 44Na | 3D | 2241 | 31 | ++++++ |
33 | 13874630 | Lajunen Pekka | ![]() | HGK | 2D | 2233 | 31 | ++++++ |
34 | 13986302 | Xu Zhou | ![]() | 75Op | 3D | 2232 | 31 | ++++++ |
35 | 16798650 | Maltere Julien | ![]() | 75Al | 2D | 2174 | 31 | ++++++ |
36 | 14033932 | Grasso Davide | ![]() | Pisa | 2D | 2170 | 31 | ++++++ |
37 | 16301758 | Hellouin Benjamin | ![]() | 91Or | 2D | 2169 | 31 | ++++++ |
38 | 14037243 | Nikula Janne | ![]() | YliG | 2D | 2160 | 31 | ++++++ |
39 | 18613375 | Bernard Gaultier | ![]() | 92An | 1D | 2154 | 30 | ++++++ |
40 | 14562790 | Vogt Jeremy | ![]() | 37To | 1D | 2095 | 30 | ++++++ |
41 | 15950308 | Pilet Arnaud | ![]() | Pei | 1D | 2077 | 30 | ++++++ |
42 | 10325546 | Feldmann Denis | ![]() | 91Or | 1K | 2070 | 30 | ++++++ |
43 | 18633659 | Bourgin Maxime | ![]() | 78Ve | 1D | 2047 | 29 | ++++++ |
44 | 19062736 | Menard Clement | ![]() | 95Va | 1K | 2035 | 29 | ++++++ |
45 | 10533270 | Rosenblatt Simon | ![]() | 75Op | 1K | 1990 | 29 | ++++++ |
46 | 19725508 | Siwy Adam | ![]() | Szcz | 2K | 1952 | 28 | ++++++ |
47 | 10749079 | Malavasi Christophe | ![]() | 75LF | 2K | 1928 | 28 | ++++++ |
48 | 13937286 | Quentin Arnaud | ![]() | 75Al | 2K | 1910 | 28 | ++++++ |
49 | 14574538 | Prevost Jonathan | ![]() | 00St | 1K | 1900 | 28 | +++++- |
50 | 10486982 | Harvey Helen | ![]() | Manc | 2K | 1891 | 28 | ++++++ |
51 | 12574980 | Mignucci Bernard | ![]() | 84Av | 2K | 1878 | 28 | ++++++ |
52 | 18486325 | Chaslot Olivier | ![]() | 69Ly | 2K | 1865 | 28 | ++++++ |
53 | 13762672 | Mouhounou Sophie | ![]() | 91Or | 2K | 1852 | 28 | ------ |
54 | 20113214 | Miloux Samuel | ![]() | 67SE | 3K | 1830 | 27 | ++++++ |
55 | 15750867 | Damaz Dani | ![]() | Kanp | 3K | 1828 | 27 | ++++++ |
56 | 20333643 | Golsala Ouangsiri | ![]() | 93Mo | 3K | 1814 | 27 | ++++++ |
57 | 10374859 | Chevalier Alain | ![]() | 75OB | 2K | 1792 | 27 | ++++++ |
58 | 14033239 | Klamecka Natalia | ![]() | Wroc | 3K | 1785 | 27 | ++++++ |
59 | 15474316 | Bensel Naomi | ![]() | DT | 4K | 1770 | 27 | ++++++ |
60 | 19874426 | Stawski Chloe | ![]() | 00St | 3K | 1749 | 26 | ++++++ |
61 | 15362512 | Cacheux Nicolas | ![]() | 78Ve | 3K | 1734 | 26 | ++++++ |
62 | 17537971 | Hebsacker Hannah | ![]() | HH | 3K | 1705 | 26 | ++++++ |
63 | 17898573 | Boyart Christian | ![]() | 75Al | 4K | 1677 | 26 | ++++++ |
64 | 18362069 | Bessa-Joveski Mickael | ![]() | 91SM | 5K | 1669 | 25 | ++++++ |
65 | 15298338 | Abilla Sebastien | ![]() | 18Vi | 4K | 1658 | 26 | ++++++ |
66 | 16433186 | Termote Francois | ![]() | 62Ar | 4K | 1650 | 26 | ++++++ |
67 | 10713967 | Souchay Jean | ![]() | 75OB | 4K | 1646 | 26 | +-++++ |
68 | 10401985 | Harvey Martin | ![]() | Manc | 5K | 1626 | 25 | ++++++ |
69 | 10313831 | Teles-Menezes Jose | ![]() | Lis | 5K | 1606 | 25 | +++++- |
70 | 20774083 | Delacroix Clement | ![]() | 95Va | 5K | 1598 | 25 | ++++++ |
71 | 17337859 | Ikeda Takuya | ![]() | 75Al | 5K | 1567 | 25 | ++++++ |
72 | 15825150 | Goloubkov Alexandra | ![]() | 13Ma | 6K | 1543 | 24 | ++++++ |
73 | 18601319 | Lebas_de_Saint_Martin Sophie | ![]() | 75Al | 5K | 1521 | 24 | ++++++ |
74 | 20549463 | Recheis Len | ![]() | Go7 | 6K | 1518 | 24 | ++++++ |
75 | 16562524 | Monin Benoit | ![]() | 94EP | 6K | 1510 | 24 | ++++++ |
76 | 18537387 | Krimm Vincent | ![]() | 91Or | 6K | 1439 | 23 | ++++++ |
77 | 15313287 | Maurice Nicolas | ![]() | 92An | 7K | 1434 | 23 | ++++++ |
78 | 19625892 | Lebouc Arnaud | ![]() | 17Ro | 7K | 1431 | 23 | ++++++ |
79 | 20733185 | Steward Naoki | ![]() | 91Or | 7K | 1362 | 22 | ++++-- |
80 | 10350901 | le_Galiard Jean-Francois | ![]() | 92Le | 7K | 1322 | 22 | ++++++ |
81 | -------- | Declerck Simon | ![]() | 75Ob | 8K | 1300 | 22 | ++++++ |
82 | 19801485 | Fong Johan | ![]() | 35Re | 8K | 1268 | 22 | ++++++ |
83 | 16898189 | Zarrouati Joseph | ![]() | 75Al | 10K | 1266 | 20 | ++++++ |
84 | 20362298 | Klein Leonard | ![]() | 75CF | 8K | 1258 | 22 | ++++++ |
85 | 20525659 | Achermann Hoel | ![]() | 75Al | 9K | 1230 | 21 | ++++++ |
86 | 18262860 | Malavasi Valentine | ![]() | 75LF | 10K | 1200 | 21 | ++++++ |
87 | 20598138 | Correia Jose | ![]() | 91Or | 10K | 1197 | 21 | ++++++ |
88 | 20662961 | Guy Martin | ![]() | 75Al | 9K | 1187 | 21 | ++++++ |
89 | 14601356 | Nicolasen Gerold | ![]() | Utre | 9K | 1174 | 21 | ++++++ |
90 | 17533274 | Boulet Valentin | ![]() | 91SM | 10K | 1164 | 20 | ++++++ |
91 | 18450476 | Malavasi Oceane | ![]() | 75LF | 10K | 1133 | 20 | ++++++ |
92 | 14637128 | Liebault Nicolas | ![]() | 75Op | 9K | 1095 | 20 | ++++++ |
93 | 20537726 | Benderbous Billal | ![]() | 75Al | 10K | 1061 | 20 | ++++++ |
94 | 20462783 | Hayar Malak | ![]() | 59Li | 11K | 1046 | 19 | ++++++ |
95 | 14813843 | Quentin Franck | ![]() | 75Al | 11K | 1038 | 19 | ++++++ |
96 | 20501723 | Lagroy_de_Croutte Adrien | ![]() | 75Al | 12K | 1031 | 18 | ++++++ |
97 | 19586710 | Clerc Annabel | ![]() | 38Gr | 12K | 1020 | 18 | ++++++ |
98 | 15062014 | Winling Miguel-Angel | ![]() | 75Op | 10K | 984 | 19 | ++++++ |
99 | 20513251 | Luo Daniel | ![]() | 91Or | 13K | 963 | 17 | ++++-- |
100 | 19786371 | Barcza Bora | ![]() | PaGo | 12K | 961 | 18 | ++++++ |
101 | 20713187 | Inge Julien | ![]() | 91Or | 11K | 952 | 19 | ++++++ |
102 | 17613145 | Coletta Guido | ![]() | Pisa | 12K | 914 | 18 | ++++++ |
103 | 17898914 | Guillaume Leo | ![]() | 75CF | 10K | 910 | 19 | ++++++ |
104 | 20362276 | Grasso Anna | ![]() | Pisa | 13K | 830 | 17 | ++++++ |
105 | 20386630 | Montegut Guillaume | ![]() | 75Ju | 12K | 814 | 17 | +-++++ |
106 | 16250905 | Derrien Christele | ![]() | 35Re | 14K | 750 | 17 | ++++++ |
107 | 20513812 | Lbadessi Salmane | ![]() | 93Mo | 15K | 679 | 15 | ++++++ |
108 | 15798629 | Bianciardi Franco | ![]() | 93Mo | 15K | 572 | 15 | ++++++ |
109 | 20162912 | Bellet Alban | ![]() | 75Ju | 14K | 552 | 14 | ++++++ |
110 | 20733372 | Millet Nicolas | ![]() | 42Se | 15K | 476 | 14 | ++++++ |
111 | 20349285 | Grasso Niccolo | ![]() | Pisa | 19K | 191 | 11 | ++++++ |
112 | 17513287 | Feldmann Laura | ![]() | 91Or | 21K | 157 | 10 | ++++++ |
113 | 20550651 | Marmai Johane | ![]() | 92An | 24K | -64 | 10 | ++++++ |
114 | 20601845 | Limouzin Axell | ![]() | 37To | 23K | -117 | 10 | ++++++ |
115 | 20733031 | Ly_Huynh Nina | ![]() | 92An | 22K | -194 | 10 | ++++++ |
116 | 2500192 | Codron Matthieu | ![]() | 75Al | 17K | -900 | 13 | ++++++ |
117 | 2500114 | Foldi GrÉGory | ![]() | 95Va | 3K | -900 | 27 | ++++++ |
118 | 2500235 | Galkin Sergue | ![]() | 75Ju | 30K | -900 | 10 | ++++++ |
17 countries
56 clubs
Round 6
Updated : 05-04-2021 17h58
Table | White / OGS nickname | Black / OGS nickname | Hd | Result | OGS Game | ||
1 | Kachanovskyi Artem (8D,Rivn) | artem92 | Chernykh Anton (6D,50Zh) | AshesOfDreams | 0 | 1-0 | 32625711 |
2 | Yan Zihan (5D,Leid) | SkywArd666 | Kim Seong-Jin (8D,B ) | seongjin35 | 0 | 0-1 | 32625919 |
3 | Zhang Xiang (5D,Sin ) | Sadaharu | Kanno Hiroki (5D,NoCb) | Myosu | 0 | 0-1 | 32625887 |
4 | Savolainen Javier-Alek (5D,YliG) | Assu138 | Welticke Jonas (5D,BN ) | iryumika | 0 | 0-1 | 32625705 |
5 | Su Jun (4D,CamU) | Automorphy | Maurer Frank (3D,BS ) | discesa dei Candelieri | 0 | 0-1 | 32625709 |
6 | Kim Young-Sam (8D,JIGS) | Kimsamsam | Qian Yu (5D,LCA ) | QianyuCyprus | 0 | 1-0 | 32626328 |
7 | Zhang Shukai_Kirby (2D,F ) | PUMPKINGO | Xing Yuze (1D,HD ) | xiaoyuer | 0 | 1-0 | 32625480 |
8 | Ketnim Wynn (2D,NoCb) | AcrylixZero | Pishchalnikov Artemij (2D,59So) | Ar4 | 0 | 0-1 | 32625581 |
9 | Lee Jiyu (1K,Eind) | jiyulee2004 | Zhang Mark_Baoliang (1K,Manc) | cannotcount | 0 | 1-0 | 32625969 |
10 | Rojas_Carulla Mateo (1D,NoCb) | saladtoes | Neveu Cedric (1K,91Or) | Yuvee | 0 | 0-1 | 32625464 |
11 | Malatesta Sofia (2K,Roma) | 🐬Sofiam🐬 | Touzot Cyan (1K,75Op) | CT3bis | 0 | 0-1 | 32625602 |
12 | Soletti Ramon (1K,Mila) | xyper70 | Battin Leo (1K,42Se) | epic coconut | 0 | 1-0 | 32625475 |
13 | Rosenblatt Simon (1K,75Op) | simon75 | Dao Arthur (2K,Casa) | buenavista | 0 | 0-1 | 32625650 |
14 | Toromanoff Clement (2K,45Or) | Tilwen | Kolassa Stephan (1D,Kon ) | Stephan_K | 0 | 1-0 | 32625418 |
15 | Reisenegger Renate (1K,Teng) | Tatesin92 | Roullier Louise (3K,92Le) | Tlina | 0 | 1-0 | 32625489 |
16 | Berreby Monique (2K,13Ma) | Mons | Hitziger Pascal (4K,P ) | Claspa | 0 | 1-0 | 32625756 |
17 | Berhaut Herve (4K,17Ro) | yinyang0 | Nicolas Philippe (2K,75Op) | Fenring. | 0 | 0-1 | 32625643 |
18 | Olivaux Samuel (4K,75Al) | samuel1 | Engelen Gints (3K,Leuv) | Farodin | 0 | 1-0 | 32625412 |
19 | Parenty Francois (4K,90Be) | X3nu | Grimm Kirsten (3K,FR ) | Lunnainn | 0 | 1-0 | 32625459 |
20 | Chicoineau Leo (4K,00ST) | Chuyou | Eon Serge (5K,64Pa) | ptitged | 0 | 1-0 | 32625630 |
21 | Tu Jean-Louis (6K,92An) | jlt | Ducos Joachim (4K,31To) | tokidokiyuki | 0 | 1-0 | 32625416 |
22 | Minjina Dragos_Ioan (4K,C361) | dragosioan | Rocher Jeremie (6K,94Ca) | astroJR | 0 | 1-0 | 32625564 |
23 | Cary Jack (3K,VGC ) | jackcary | Trinite Damien (4K,92An) | Trinited | 0 | 0-1 | 32625512 |
24 | Cable Matthieu (4K,00St) | Matneops | Dupontreue Aurelien (3K,75Ju) | lagolden | 0 | 1-0 | 32625433 |
25 | Faubry Emmanuel (3K,Mani) | AjiTae | Cuello Kevin (4K,35Re) | Ketler | 0 | 1-0 | 32625453 |
26 | Gajdos Chantal (6K,63Ce) | Kahlo | Menard Clement (4K,95Va) | Whithakk | 0 | 0-1 | 32625541 |
27 | Perrin Thibaut (6K,38Gr) | tiboper1 | Dyroff Florian (4K,Baye) | iusta | 0 | 0-1 | 32625397 |
28 | Mignucci Bernard (4K,84Av) | bmm | Butaud Remi (6K,06Pe) | WaterDancer | 0 | 0-1 | 32625601 |
29 | Vuichard Gaël (4K,35Re) | Gael5 | Rawat Karan (5K,iaga) | nukeu666 | 0 | 1-0 | 32625504 |
30 | Mouhounou Sophie (6K,91Or) | Sophie M | Putnam James (3K,NoCb) | Pygmalion | 0 | 1-0 | 32625574 |
31 | Dymowski Pawel (6K,Szec) | PawelD | Limbach Yvonne (5K,Berl) | KamiKatze | 0 | 1-0 | 32625462 |
32 | le Tam_Loup (7K,35Re) | Mifeu | Athorne Thomas (5K,NoCb) | thomas.athorne | 0 | 1-0 | 32625447 |
33 | Williams Colin (5K,Bris) | AgingGuru | Trauwaen Nicolas (6K,33Bo) | trotro | 0 | 1-0 | 32625697 |
34 | Nulty Stephen (7K,Bubl) | shinuito | Cacheux Nicolas (5K,91Or) | stoup | 0 | 1-0 | 32625496 |
35 | Payne Rob (7K,Edin) | robzwei | Gacs Istvan (5K,BuPe) | BAGOLY55 | 0 | 1-0 | 32625675 |
36 | Dmitriev Fedor (9K,18Iz) | DFM | Gurbuzel Sebnem (6K,Ank ) | gocaman | 0 | 1-0 | error: private |
37 | Kollarik Peter (6K,Brat) | peko2021 | Tuohy Niall (8K,Dubl) | niallgo | 0 | 0-1 | 32625555 |
38 | Crabtree David (8K,Manc) | patches | Touzot Soren (8K,75Op) | ST3bis | 0 | 0-1 | 32625759 |
39 | Berceanu Ovidiu (9K,TMWS) | pasis | Boyart Christian (6K,75Al) | okapi18 | 0 | 0-1 | 32625540 |
40 | Barbati Luciano (8K,Pisa) | bluciano | Samson Elodie (7K,92An) | Malia | 0 | 0-1 | 32625421 |
41 | Do van_Thuan (9K,Oslo) | Ddoox | Durand Romain (8K,38Gr) | Piwh | 0 | 0-1 | 32625452 |
42 | Malavasi Mathieu (7K,73Ch) | akabara | Breviere Lionel (9K,Porc) | Gruts | 0 | 0-1 | 32625542 |
43 | Pinchard Alexandre (7K,92Ge) | Alexapin | Ka_Chai Sum (6K,NoCb) | Subscribe 6BJR in youtube | 0 | 1-0 | 32625679 |
44 | Boughida Rafik (9K,75Ju) | angryduck | Duzgungu Altug (7K,Ist ) | cpt_amundsen | 0 | 0-1 | 32625570 |
45 | Waelzer Karel (10K,CPis) | linuxfunman | Palmade Florian (11K,00St) | bad123 | 0 | 1-0 | 32625690 |
46 | Luovula Elena (7K,YliG) | StinkyTofu | Beirnaert Sebastien (10K,66Pe) | hitchigo | 0 | 1-0 | 32625692 |
47 | Miksa Marta (9K,Inse) | miksa.marta | Olexa Igor (10K,Kosi) | iolexa | 0 | 0-1 | 32625478 |
48 | Monk Caleb (10K,Epsm) | calebmonkey | Puaud Denis (8K,31Ba) | DenisbeGo | 0 | 0-1 | 32625515 |
49 | Tran van-Kim (10K,75Op) | Vakars | Sodoma Werner (9K,NoCb) | user5555 | 0 | 1-0 | 32625579 |
50 | Zalevskyy Rostyslav (10K,Alic) | igoist | Buchy Vincent (10K,00ST) | Titvins | 0 | 1-0 | 32625458 |
51 | Nicolasen Gerold (11K,Utre) | geroldn | Chiarini Francesco (8K,WLon) | Vardiello | 0 | 0-1 | 32625506 |
52 | Engelhardt Alexander (9K,M ) | AlexxHardt | Winling Miguel-Angel (11K,75Op) | MigMig75 | 0 | 1-0 | 32625481 |
53 | Groot Rene_de (11K,Utre) | Argonijt | Vandendyck Leo (12K,91Or) | corvgo | 0 | 0-1 | 32625537 |
54 | Derrien Christele (10K,35Re) | Titelle | Bardsley Oliver (11K,Harp) | Shaken not Stirred | 0 | 0-1 | 32625616 |
55 | Potel Philippe (14K,76Ro) | kenzen32 | Macquet Corentin (15K,00St) | Savagnin | 0 | 0-1 | 32625686 |
56 | Ruhland Martin (14K,NoCb) | Naturius | Jegou Marc (12K,44Na) | marcjegoupro | 0 | 0-1 | 32625472 |
57 | Johnstone John (12K,Bour) | JohnHJ | Tarraf Jamal (15K,31To) | Jamagoal | 0 | 0-1 | 32625428 |
58 | Zeng-Lussereau Eliot (13K,38GJ) | zzy999 | Juldashev Davron (15K,Seng) | Doku_San | 0 | 0-1 | 32625510 |
59 | Verstappen Marlon (14K,ME ) | Grotifant | Vildeuil Vanessa (15K,69Ly) | Ryley972 | 0 | 1-0 | 32625400 |
60 | Khodzher Elfia (14K,27NA) | ElphiyaX | Zach Lukas (18K,Usti) | Lukyn | 0 | 1-0 | 32625502 |
61 | Bernaud Lucie (16K,35Re) | Lulurepsol35 | Ghetu Sara_Maria (15K,Cluj) | saramg | 0 | 0-1 | 32625590 |
62 | Mouial Maxime (17K,75OB) | hush-hush | Domig Martin (14K,NoCb) | SirMortimer | 0 | 0-1! | forfeit |
63 | Komin Jan (17K,APWS) | Korny33 | Brun Mathieu (20K,75Al) | pastek17 | 0 | 0-1 | 32625593 |
64 | Veillerobe Florent (20K,35Re) | qnpnpmqppnp | Drabkova Pavla (17K,Brno) | LauraLibellulePapillon | 0 | 1-0 | 32625518 |
65 | Ghetu Denis_Mihai (18K,Cluj) | denismg | Baker Lawrence (18K,Oxfd) | CoolestKoala | 0 | 1-0 | 32625558 |
66 | Ionita Virgil_Andrei (20K,361!) | doctor repaus | Jollivet Guy (19K,75Al) | gjollivet | 0 | 1-0 | 32625760 |
67 | Coseraru Vasile_Cipria (20K,C361) | aGOp | Bijvank Roland (20K,Utre) | rbijvank | 0 | 1-0 | 32625410 |
68 | Frank Oliver (20K,St A) | oliverfrank321 | Collins Quinn Michael (20K,NoCb) | kvaesir | 0 | 0-1 | 32625497 |
69 | Pietri Gia (20K,NoCb) | Gia | Onishchenko Yaroslav (20K,77Mo) | SlavaOnish | 0 | 1-0 | 32625469 |
70 | Autrique Fabrice (19K,35Re) | Fab2 | Jansen Katharina (20K,LB ) | VampirKa | 0 | 1-0 | 32625424 |
71 | Jansen Uwe (20K,Ludw) | Karzel | Chatterjee Arghya (20K,IAGA) | arghya.chatterjee | 1 | 1-0 | 32626572 |
Round 5
Updated : 05-04-2021 13h49
Table | White / OGS nickname | Black / OGS nickname | Hd | Result | OGS Game | ||
1 | Kanno Hiroki (5D,NoCb) | Myosu | Kachanovskyi Artem (8D,Rivn) | artem92 | 0 | 1-0 | 32621408 |
2 | Chernykh Anton (6D,50Zh) | AshesOfDreams | Kim Seong-Jin (8D,B ) | seongjin35 | 0 | 0-1 | 32621526 |
3 | Kim Young-Sam (8D,JIGS) | Kimsamsam | Savolainen Javier-Alek (5D,YliG) | Assu138 | 0 | 1-0 | 32621324 |
4 | Welticke Jonas (5D,BN ) | iryumika | Zhang Xiang (5D,Sin ) | Sadaharu | 0 | 0-1 | 32621223 |
5 | Maurer Frank (3D,BS ) | discesa dei Candelieri | Yan Zihan (5D,Leid) | SkywArd666 | 0 | 0-1 | 32621428 |
6 | Su Jun (4D,CamU) | Automorphy | Zhang Shukai_Kirby (2D,F ) | PUMPKINGO | 0 | 1-0 | 32621268 |
7 | Qian Yu (5D,LCA ) | QianyuCyprus | Xing Yuze (1D,HD ) | xiaoyuer | 0 | 1-0 | 32621270 |
8 | Donley Jeremiah (3D,SEAG) | OneColorMan | Ketnim Wynn (2D,NoCb) | AcrylixZero | 0 | 0-1 | 32621257 |
9 | Pishchalnikov Artemij (2D,59So) | Ar4 | Zhang Mark_Baoliang (1K,Manc) | cannotcount | 0 | 1-0 | 32621517 |
10 | Li Boyuan (1D,75Op) | Liboyuan | Soletti Ramon (1K,Mila) | xyper70 | 0 | 1-0 | 32621374 |
11 | Rojas_Carulla Mateo (1D,NoCb) | saladtoes | Rosenblatt Simon (1K,75Op) | simon75 | 0 | 1-0 | 32621481 |
12 | Neveu Cedric (1K,91Or) | Yuvee | Lee Jiyu (1K,Eind) | jiyulee2004 | 0 | 1-0 | 32621207 |
13 | Touzot Cyan (1K,75Op) | CT3bis | Sulak Alper (1K,Ank ) | alpergo | 0 | 1-0 | 32621278 |
14 | Malatesta Sofia (2K,Roma) | 🐬Sofiam🐬 | Berreby Monique (2K,13Ma) | Mons | 0 | 1-0 | 32621253 |
15 | Kolassa Stephan (1D,Kon ) | Stephan_K | Battin Leo (1K,42Se) | epic coconut | 0 | 0-1 | 32621157 |
16 | Reisenegger Renate (1K,Teng) | Tatesin92 | Toromanoff Clement (2K,45Or) | Tilwen | 0 | 1-0 | 32621191 |
17 | Dao Arthur (2K,Casa) | buenavista | Chicoineau Leo (4K,00ST) | Chuyou | 0 | 1-0 | 32621185 |
18 | Engelen Gints (3K,Leuv) | Farodin | Roullier Louise (3K,92Le) | Tlina | 0 | 0-1 | 32621111 |
19 | Berhaut Herve (4K,17Ro) | yinyang0 | Parenty Francois (4K,90Be) | X3nu | 0 | 1-0 | 32621221 |
20 | Hitziger Pascal (4K,P ) | Claspa | Ducos Joachim (4K,31To) | tokidokiyuki | 0 | 1-0 | 32621135 |
21 | Nicolas Philippe (2K,75Op) | Fenring. | Faubry Emmanuel (3K,Mani) | AjiTae | 0 | 1-0 | 32621222 |
22 | Trinite Damien (4K,92An) | Trinited | Olivaux Samuel (4K,75Al) | samuel1 | 0 | 0-1 | 32621152 |
23 | Dupontreue Aurelien (3K,75Ju) | lagolden | Minjina Dragos_Ioan (4K,C361) | dragosioan | 0 | 0-1 | 32621181 |
24 | Eon Serge (5K,64Pa) | ptitged | Cary Jack (3K,VGC ) | jackcary | 0 | 1-0 | 32621240 |
25 | Rocher Jeremie (6K,94Ca) | astroJR | Mignucci Bernard (4K,84Av) | bmm | 0 | 1-0 | 32621195 |
26 | Dyroff Florian (4K,Baye) | iusta | Tu Jean-Louis (6K,92An) | jlt | 0 | 0-1 | 32621122 |
27 | Menard Clement (4K,95Va) | Whithakk | Dymowski Pawel (6K,Szec) | PawelD | 0 | 1-0 | 32621174 |
28 | Butaud Remi (6K,06Pe) | WaterDancer | Vuichard Gaël (4K,35Re) | Gael5 | 0 | 1-0 | 32621190 |
29 | Putnam James (3K,NoCb) | Pygmalion | Gajdos Chantal (6K,63Ce) | Kahlo | 0 | 0-1 | 32621187 |
30 | Athorne Thomas (5K,NoCb) | thomas.athorne | Perrin Thibaut (6K,38Gr) | tiboper1 | 0 | 0-1 | 32621173 |
31 | Limbach Yvonne (5K,Berl) | KamiKatze | Cable Matthieu (4K,00St) | Matneops | 0 | 0-1 | 32621138 |
32 | Cacheux Nicolas (5K,91Or) | stoup | Williams Colin (5K,Bris) | AgingGuru | 0 | 0-1 | 32621236 |
33 | Gorza Alexandre (5K,Bxl ) | gogo22 | Trauwaen Nicolas (6K,33Bo) | trotro | 0 | 0-1 | 32621358 |
34 | Cuello Kevin (4K,35Re) | Ketler | Nulty Stephen (7K,Bubl) | shinuito | 0 | 1-0 | 32621275 |
35 | Rawat Karan (5K,iaga) | nukeu666 | Payne Rob (7K,Edin) | robzwei | 0 | 1-0 | 32621177 |
36 | Tuohy Niall (8K,Dubl) | niallgo | le Tam_Loup (7K,35Re) | Mifeu | 0 | 0-1 | 32621180 |
37 | Gacs Istvan (5K,BuPe) | BAGOLY55 | Barbati Luciano (8K,Pisa) | bluciano | 0 | 1-0 | 32621238 |
38 | Crabtree David (8K,Manc) | patches | Mouhounou Sophie (6K,91Or) | Sophie M | 0 | 0-1 | 32621271 |
39 | Ferreira Joao (8K,Lis ) | Popz | Gurbuzel Sebnem (6K,Ank ) | gocaman | 0 | 0-1 | 32621294 |
40 | Dmitriev Fedor (9K,18Iz) | DFM | Boyart Christian (6K,75Al) | okapi18 | 0 | 1-0 | 32621472 |
41 | Kollarik Peter (6K,Brat) | peko2021 | Durand Romain (8K,38Gr) | Piwh | 0 | 0-1 | 32621149 |
42 | Ka_Chai Sum (6K,NoCb) | Subscribe 6BJR in youtube | Touzot Soren (8K,75Op) | ST3bis | 0 | 0-1 | 32621370 |
43 | Duzgungu Altug (7K,Ist ) | cpt_amundsen | Samson Elodie (7K,92An) | Malia | 0 | 0-1 | 32621262 |
44 | Berceanu Ovidiu (9K,TMWS) | pasis | Ishimbaeva Olga (6K,75Ju) | Olish | 0 | 1-0 | 32621168 |
45 | le_Galiard Jean-Franco (8K,92Le) | jflg | Do van_Thuan (9K,Oslo) | Ddoox | 0 | 1-0 | 32621194 |
46 | Malavasi Mathieu (7K,73Ch) | akabara | Waelzer Karel (10K,CPis) | linuxfunman | 0 | 1-0 | 32621176 |
47 | Boughida Rafik (9K,75Ju) | angryduck | Luovula Elena (7K,YliG) | StinkyTofu | 0 | 1-0 | 32621172 |
48 | Karch Jonas (9K,WI ) | bruce29 | Palmade Florian (11K,00St) | bad123 | 0 | 0-1 | 32621167 |
49 | Breviere Lionel (9K,Porc) | Gruts | Monk Caleb (10K,Epsm) | calebmonkey | 0 | 1-0 | 32621120 |
50 | Tran van-Kim (10K,75Op) | Vakars | Miksa Marta (9K,Inse) | miksa.marta | 0 | 0-1 | 32621273 |
51 | Olexa Igor (10K,Kosi) | iolexa | Puaud Denis (8K,31Ba) | DenisbeGo | 0 | 1-0 | 32621139 |
52 | Sodoma Werner (9K,NoCb) | user5555 | Chiarini Francesco (8K,WLon) | Vardiello | 0 | 1-0 | 32621340 |
53 | Nicolasen Gerold (11K,Utre) | geroldn | Beirnaert Sebastien (10K,66Pe) | hitchigo | 0 | 0-1 | 32621184 |
54 | Buchy Vincent (10K,00ST) | Titvins | Potrata Marko (10K,Port) | Mpotra | 0 | 1-0 | 32621247 |
55 | Engelhardt Alexander (9K,M ) | AlexxHardt | Slooven Gerard (10K,Sall) | Tsultruim | 0 | 0-1 | 32621147 |
56 | Winling Miguel-Angel (11K,75Op) | MigMig75 | Zalevskyy Rostyslav (10K,Alic) | igoist | 0 | 0-1 | 32621251 |
57 | Vandendyck Leo (12K,91Or) | corvgo | Derrien Christele (10K,35Re) | Titelle | 0 | 1-0 | 32621140 |
58 | Jegou Marc (12K,44Na) | marcjegoupro | Bardsley Oliver (11K,Harp) | Shaken not Stirred | 0 | 0-1 | 32621232 |
59 | Potel Philippe (14K,76Ro) | kenzen32 | Groot Rene_de (11K,Utre) | Argonijt | 0 | 0-1 | 32621219 |
60 | Macquet Corentin (15K,00St) | Savagnin | Johnstone John (12K,Bour) | JohnHJ | 0 | 1-0 | 32621204 |
61 | Ruhland Martin (14K,NoCb) | Naturius | Verstappen Marlon (14K,ME ) | Grotifant | 0 | 1-0 | 32621217 |
62 | Zeng-Lussereau Eliot (13K,38GJ) | zzy999 | Tarraf Jamal (15K,31To) | Jamagoal | 0 | 0-1 | 32621123 |
63 | Juldashev Davron (15K,Seng) | Doku_San | Khodzher Elfia (14K,27NA) | ElphiyaX | 0 | 1-0 | 32621414 |
64 | Vildeuil Vanessa (15K,69Ly) | Ryley972 | Domig Martin (14K,NoCb) | SirMortimer | 0 | 1-0 | 32621128 |
65 | Zach Lukas (18K,Usti) | Lukyn | Komin Jan (17K,APWS) | Korny33 | 0 | 1-0 | 32621124 |
66 | Bernaud Lucie (16K,35Re) | Lulurepsol35 | Drabkova Pavla (17K,Brno) | LauraLibellulePapillon | 0 | 1-0 | 32621175 |
67 | Ghetu Sara_Maria (15K,Cluj) | saramg | Mouial Maxime (17K,75OB) | hush-hush | 0 | 0-1 | 32621132 |
68 | Brun Mathieu (20K,75Al) | pastek17 | Veillerobe Florent (20K,35Re) | qnpnpmqppnp | 0 | 1-0 | 32621117 |
69 | Jollivet Guy (19K,75Al) | gjollivet | Schramm Christina (17K,KI ) | Little_Owl | 0 | 0-1 | 32621258 |
70 | Ghetu Denis_Mihai (18K,Cluj) | denismg | Bijvank Roland (20K,Utre) | rbijvank | 0 | 1-0 | 32621108 |
71 | Jansen Uwe (20K,Ludw) | Karzel | Coseraru Vasile_Cipria (20K,C361) | aGOp | 0 | 0-1 | 32621125 |
72 | Baker Lawrence (18K,Oxfd) | CoolestKoala | Etoubleau Antoine (19K,35Re) | kilop0001 | 0 | 1-0 | 32621119 |
73 | Rosbaeck Noel (20K,YliG) | Lerirmain | Pietri Gia (20K,NoCb) | Gia | 0 | 1-0 | 32621317 |
74 | Ionita Virgil_Andrei (20K,361!) | doctor repaus | Shehan William (20K,AGA ) | Chicago_Will | 0 | 1-0! | forfeit |
75 | Jansen Katharina (20K,LB ) | VampirKa | Onishchenko Yaroslav (20K,77Mo) | SlavaOnish | 0 | 0-1 | 32621169 |
76 | Collins Quinn Michael (20K,NoCb) | kvaesir | Chatterjee Arghya (20K,IAGA) | arghya.chatterjee | 0 | 1-0 | 32621687 |
Round 4
Updated : 05-04-2021 13h48
Table | White / OGS nickname | Black / OGS nickname | Hd | Result | OGS Game | ||
1 | Kim Seong-Jin (8D,B ) | seongjin35 | Kanno Hiroki (5D,NoCb) | Myosu | 0 | 1-0 | 32597287 |
2 | Kachanovskyi Artem (8D,Rivn) | artem92 | Kim Young-Sam (8D,JIGS) | Kimsamsam | 0 | 1-0 | 32597115 |
3 | Su Jun (4D,CamU) | Automorphy | Savolainen Javier-Alek (5D,YliG) | Assu138 | 0 | 0-1 | 32597230 |
4 | Chernykh Anton (6D,50Zh) | AshesOfDreams | Welticke Jonas (5D,BN ) | iryumika | 0 | 1-0 | 32597318 |
5 | Yan Zihan (5D,Leid) | SkywArd666 | Filippi Pierre (3D,76Ha) | RPI92 | 0 | 1-0 | 32597211 |
6 | Maurer Frank (3D,BS ) | discesa dei Candelieri | Zhang Xiang (5D,Sin ) | Sadaharu | 0 | 1-0 | 32597309 |
7 | Qian Yu (5D,LCA ) | QianyuCyprus | Donley Jeremiah (3D,SEAG) | OneColorMan | 0 | 1-0! | forfeit |
8 | Xing Yuze (1D,HD ) | xiaoyuer | Frangi Manuel (3D,75Ju) | Drakf | 0 | 1-0 | 32597032 |
9 | Pishchalnikov Artemij (2D,59So) | Ar4 | Zhang Shukai_Kirby (2D,F ) | PUMPKINGO | 0 | 0-1 | 32596893 |
10 | Cuyt Sven (1D,Leuv) | Svecify | Ketnim Wynn (2D,NoCb) | AcrylixZero | 0 | 0-1 | 32596972 |
11 | Li Boyuan (1D,75Op) | Liboyuan | Li Mingda (1K,A ) | darkenergy | 0 | 0-1 | 32597083 |
12 | Zhang Mark_Baoliang (1K,Manc) | cannotcount | Rojas_Carulla Mateo (1D,NoCb) | saladtoes | 0 | 1-0 | 32597110 |
13 | Soletti Ramon (1K,Mila) | xyper70 | Rosenblatt Simon (1K,75Op) | simon75 | 0 | 1-0 | 32597250 |
14 | Malatesta Sofia (2K,Roma) | 🐬Sofiam🐬 | Lee Jiyu (1K,Eind) | jiyulee2004 | 0 | 0-1 | 32596974 |
15 | Kolassa Stephan (1D,Kon ) | Stephan_K | Touzot Cyan (1K,75Op) | CT3bis | 0 | 0-1 | 32597017 |
16 | Neveu Cedric (1K,91Or) | Yuvee | Reisenegger Renate (1K,Teng) | Tatesin92 | 0 | 1-0 | 32596941 |
17 | Sulak Alper (1K,Ank ) | alpergo | Nicolas Philippe (2K,75Op) | Fenring. | 0 | 1-0 | 32596949 |
18 | Roullier Louise (3K,92Le) | Tlina | Berreby Monique (2K,13Ma) | Mons | 0 | 0-1 | 32597235 |
19 | Toromanoff Clement (2K,45Or) | Tilwen | Parenty Francois (4K,90Be) | X3nu | 0 | 1-0 | 32596907 |
20 | Ducos Joachim (4K,31To) | tokidokiyuki | Dao Arthur (2K,Casa) | buenavista | 0 | 0-1 | 32596991 |
21 | Grimm Kirsten (3K,FR ) | Lunnainn | Olivaux Samuel (4K,75Al) | samuel1 | 0 | 1-0 | 32597043 |
22 | Cary Jack (3K,VGC ) | jackcary | Berhaut Herve (4K,17Ro) | yinyang0 | 0 | 0-1 | 32597018 |
23 | Dobrescu Marius-Adrian (4K,CSRB) | madobrescu | Dupontreue Aurelien (3K,75Ju) | lagolden | 0 | 1-0 | 32596904 |
24 | Hitziger Pascal (4K,P ) | Claspa | Mignucci Bernard (4K,84Av) | bmm | 0 | 1-0 | 32596982 |
25 | Chicoineau Leo (4K,00ST) | Chuyou | Minjina Dragos_Ioan (4K,C361) | dragosioan | 0 | 1-0 | 32597098 |
26 | Menard Clement (4K,95Va) | Whithakk | Dyroff Florian (4K,Baye) | iusta | 0 | 0-1 | 32597042 |
27 | Faubry Emmanuel (3K,Mani) | AjiTae | Eon Serge (5K,64Pa) | ptitged | 0 | 0-1 | 32597054 |
28 | Rocher Jeremie (6K,94Ca) | astroJR | Putnam James (3K,NoCb) | Pygmalion | 0 | 1-0 | 32596984 |
29 | Athorne Thomas (5K,NoCb) | thomas.athorne | Tu Jean-Louis (6K,92An) | jlt | 0 | 0-1 | 32596933 |
30 | Gajdos Chantal (6K,63Ce) | Kahlo | Trinite Damien (4K,92An) | Trinited | 0 | 0-1 | 32596959 |
31 | Vuichard Gaël (4K,35Re) | Gael5 | Dymowski Pawel (6K,Szec) | PawelD | 0 | 0-1 | 32597009 |
32 | Cable Matthieu (4K,00St) | Matneops | Mouhounou Sophie (6K,91Or) | Sophie M | 0 | 1-0 | 32597033 |
33 | Cacheux Nicolas (5K,91Or) | stoup | Limbach Yvonne (5K,Berl) | KamiKatze | 0 | 0-1 | 32596940 |
34 | Williams Colin (5K,Bris) | AgingGuru | Perrin Thibaut (6K,38Gr) | tiboper1 | 0 | 0-1 | 32597104 |
35 | Butaud Remi (6K,06Pe) | WaterDancer | Nulty Stephen (7K,Bubl) | shinuito | 0 | 1-0 | 32597116 |
36 | Rawat Karan (5K,iaga) | nukeu666 | Kollarik Peter (6K,Brat) | peko2021 | 0 | 1-0 | 32597060 |
37 | Gacs Istvan (5K,BuPe) | BAGOLY55 | Trauwaen Nicolas (6K,33Bo) | trotro | 0 | 0-1 | 32597101 |
38 | Sindler Ondrej (5K,Brno) | Pond Turtle | le Tam_Loup (7K,35Re) | Mifeu | 0 | 0-1 | 32597113 |
39 | Payne Rob (7K,Edin) | robzwei | Gurbuzel Sebnem (6K,Ank ) | gocaman | 0 | 1-0 | 32597022 |
40 | Boyart Christian (6K,75Al) | okapi18 | Tuohy Niall (8K,Dubl) | niallgo | 0 | 0-1 | 32597037 |
41 | Ka_Chai Sum (6K,NoCb) | Subscribe 6BJR in youtube | Dmitriev Fedor (9K,18Iz) | DFM | 0 | 0-1 | 32596945 |
42 | Duzgungu Altug (7K,Ist ) | cpt_amundsen | Ferreira Joao (8K,Lis ) | Popz | 0 | 0-1 | 32597119 |
43 | Barbati Luciano (8K,Pisa) | bluciano | Berceanu Ovidiu (9K,TMWS) | pasis | 0 | 1-0 | 32596947 |
44 | Malavasi Mathieu (7K,73Ch) | akabara | Crabtree David (8K,Manc) | patches | 0 | 0-1 | 32597082 |
45 | Do van_Thuan (9K,Oslo) | Ddoox | Luovula Elena (7K,YliG) | StinkyTofu | 0 | 1-0 | 32597091 |
46 | Touzot Soren (8K,75Op) | ST3bis | Karch Jonas (9K,WI ) | bruce29 | 0 | 1-0 | 32596966 |
47 | Waelzer Karel (10K,CPis) | linuxfunman | Durand Romain (8K,38Gr) | Piwh | 0 | 0-1 | 32596921 |
48 | Koole Paul (8K,Amvn) | PaulMartin | Boughida Rafik (9K,75Ju) | angryduck | 0 | 0-1 | 32596979 |
49 | Puaud Denis (8K,31Ba) | DenisbeGo | Kabachenko Vasilij (10K,50Pr) | vasvas | 0 | 0-1 | 32597013 |
50 | Beirnaert Sebastien (10K,66Pe) | hitchigo | Breviere Lionel (9K,Porc) | Gruts | 0 | 0-1 | 32596999 |
51 | Palmade Florian (11K,00St) | bad123 | Miksa Marta (9K,Inse) | miksa.marta | 0 | 1-0 | 32596977 |
52 | Tran van-Kim (10K,75Op) | Vakars | Olexa Igor (10K,Kosi) | iolexa | 0 | 0-1 | 32597024 |
53 | Buchy Vincent (10K,00ST) | Titvins | Nicolasen Gerold (11K,Utre) | geroldn | 0 | 0-1 | 32597041 |
54 | Derrien Christele (10K,35Re) | Titelle | Winling Miguel-Angel (11K,75Op) | MigMig75 | 0 | 0-1 | 32597108 |
55 | Monk Caleb (10K,Epsm) | calebmonkey | Jegou Marc (12K,44Na) | marcjegoupro | 0 | 1-0 | 32596950 |
56 | Bardsley Oliver (11K,Harp) | Shaken not Stirred | Vandendyck Leo (12K,91Or) | corvgo | 0 | 0-1 | 32597086 |
57 | Johnstone John (12K,Bour) | JohnHJ | Potel Philippe (14K,76Ro) | kenzen32 | 0 | 0-1 | 32596989 |
58 | Macquet Corentin (15K,00St) | Savagnin | Ruhland Martin (14K,NoCb) | Naturius | 0 | 1-0 | 32596981 |
59 | Verstappen Marlon (14K,ME ) | Grotifant | Zeng-Lussereau Eliot (13K,38GJ) | zzy999 | 0 | 1-0 | 32596994 |
60 | Vildeuil Vanessa (15K,69Ly) | Ryley972 | Juldashev Davron (15K,Seng) | Doku_San | 0 | 0-1 | 32597030 |
61 | Ghetu Sara_Maria (15K,Cluj) | saramg | Khodzher Elfia (14K,27NA) | ElphiyaX | 0 | 0-1 | 32596970 |
62 | Mouial Maxime (17K,75OB) | hush-hush | Komin Jan (17K,APWS) | Korny33 | 0 | 0-1 | 32596934 |
63 | Drabkova Pavla (17K,Brno) | LauraLibellulePapillon | Zach Lukas (18K,Usti) | Lukyn | 0 | 0-1 | 32596905 |
64 | Brun Mathieu (20K,75Al) | pastek17 | Ghetu Denis_Mihai (18K,Cluj) | denismg | 0 | 1-0 | 32597036 |
65 | Frank Oliver (20K,St A) | oliverfrank321 | Bernaud Lucie (16K,35Re) | Lulurepsol35 | 0 | 0-1 | 32596961 |
66 | Jollivet Guy (19K,75Al) | gjollivet | Veillerobe Florent (20K,35Re) | qnpnpmqppnp | 0 | 0-1 | 32596900 |
67 | Baker Lawrence (18K,Oxfd) | CoolestKoala | Bijvank Roland (20K,Utre) | rbijvank | 0 | 0-1 | 32596902 |
68 | Pietri Gia (20K,NoCb) | Gia | Autrique Fabrice (19K,35Re) | Fab2 | 0 | 0-1 | 32597117 |
69 | Jansen Uwe (20K,Ludw) | Karzel | Shehan William (20K,AGA ) | Chicago_Will | 0 | 1-0! | forfeit |
70 | Collins Quinn Michael (20K,NoCb) | kvaesir | Ionita Virgil_Andrei (20K,361!) | doctor repaus | 0 | 0-1 | 32596995 |
71 | Coseraru Vasile_Cipria (20K,C361) | aGOp | Jansen Katharina (20K,LB ) | VampirKa | 0 | 1-0 | 32596963 |
72 | Onishchenko Yaroslav (20K,77Mo) | SlavaOnish | Chatterjee Arghya (20K,IAGA) | arghya.chatterjee | 0 | 1-0 | 32597135 |
Round 3
Updated : 05-04-2021 13h47
Table | White / OGS nickname | Black / OGS nickname | Hd | Result | OGS Game | ||
1 | Kachanovskyi Artem (8D,Rivn) | artem92 | Kim Seong-Jin (8D,B ) | seongjin35 | 0 | 0-1 | 32592764 |
2 | Kim Young-Sam (8D,JIGS) | Kimsamsam | Yan Zihan (5D,Leid) | SkywArd666 | 0 | 1-0 | 32592729 |
3 | Welticke Jonas (5D,BN ) | iryumika | Su Jun (4D,CamU) | Automorphy | 0 | 1-0 | 32592498 |
4 | Kanno Hiroki (5D,NoCb) | Myosu | Maurer Frank (3D,BS ) | discesa dei Candelieri | 0 | 1-0 | 32592968 |
5 | Savolainen Javier-Alek (5D,YliG) | Assu138 | Filippi Pierre (3D,76Ha) | RPI92 | 0 | 1-0 | 32592851 |
6 | Frangi Manuel (3D,75Ju) | Drakf | Chernykh Anton (6D,50Zh) | AshesOfDreams | 0 | 0-1 | 32592919 |
7 | Zhang Xiang (5D,Sin ) | Sadaharu | Donley Jeremiah (3D,SEAG) | OneColorMan | 0 | 1-0 | 32592571 |
8 | Zhang Shukai_Kirby (2D,F ) | PUMPKINGO | Qian Yu (5D,LCA ) | QianyuCyprus | 0 | 1-0 | 32592701 |
9 | Ketnim Wynn (2D,NoCb) | AcrylixZero | Xing Yuze (1D,HD ) | xiaoyuer | 0 | 0-1 | 32592672 |
10 | Rosenblatt Simon (1K,75Op) | simon75 | Pishchalnikov Artemij (2D,59So) | Ar4 | 0 | 0-1 | 32592884 |
11 | Li Mingda (1K,A ) | darkenergy | Cuyt Sven (1D,Leuv) | Svecify | 0 | 1-0 | 32592566 |
12 | Zhang Mark_Baoliang (1K,Manc) | cannotcount | Li Boyuan (1D,75Op) | Liboyuan | 0 | 0-1 | 32592786 |
13 | Lee Jiyu (1K,Eind) | jiyulee2004 | Rojas_Carulla Mateo (1D,NoCb) | saladtoes | 0 | 1-0 | 32592524 |
14 | Soletti Ramon (1K,Mila) | xyper70 | Kolassa Stephan (1D,Kon ) | Stephan_K | 0 | 1-0 | 32592483 |
15 | Sulak Alper (1K,Ank ) | alpergo | Malatesta Sofia (2K,Roma) | 🐬Sofiam🐬 | 0 | 0-1 | 32592459 |
16 | Berreby Monique (2K,13Ma) | Mons | Neveu Cedric (1K,91Or) | Yuvee | 0 | 0-1 | 32592528 |
17 | Touzot Cyan (1K,75Op) | CT3bis | Dao Arthur (2K,Casa) | buenavista | 0 | 1-0 | 32592538 |
18 | Roullier Louise (3K,92Le) | Tlina | Macek Patrik (3K,361!) | pama73 | 0 | 1-0 | 32592537 |
19 | Reisenegger Renate (1K,Teng) | Tatesin92 | Olivaux Samuel (4K,75Al) | samuel1 | 0 | 1-0 | 32592603 |
20 | Nicolas Philippe (2K,75Op) | Fenring. | Chicoineau Leo (4K,00ST) | Chuyou | 0 | 1-0 | 32592639 |
21 | Dupontreue Aurelien (3K,75Ju) | lagolden | Ducos Joachim (4K,31To) | tokidokiyuki | 0 | 0-1 | 32592513 |
22 | Parenty Francois (4K,90Be) | X3nu | Cary Jack (3K,VGC ) | jackcary | 0 | 1-0 | 32592500 |
23 | Trinite Damien (4K,92An) | Trinited | Faubry Emmanuel (3K,Mani) | AjiTae | 0 | 0-1 | 32592516 |
24 | Putnam James (3K,NoCb) | Pygmalion | Berhaut Herve (4K,17Ro) | yinyang0 | 0 | 0-1 | 32592607 |
25 | Dobrescu Marius-Adrian (4K,CSRB) | madobrescu | Vuichard Gaël (4K,35Re) | Gael5 | 0 | 1-0 | 32592508 |
26 | Minjina Dragos_Ioan (4K,C361) | dragosioan | Menard Clement (4K,95Va) | Whithakk | 0 | 1-0 | 32592569 |
27 | Mignucci Bernard (4K,84Av) | bmm | Athorne Thomas (5K,NoCb) | thomas.athorne | 0 | 1-0 | 32592617 |
28 | Cacheux Nicolas (5K,91Or) | stoup | Hitziger Pascal (4K,P ) | Claspa | 0 | 0-1 | 32592611 |
29 | Tu Jean-Louis (6K,92An) | jlt | Cable Matthieu (4K,00St) | Matneops | 0 | 1-0 | 32592573 |
30 | Dyroff Florian (4K,Baye) | iusta | Butaud Remi (6K,06Pe) | WaterDancer | 0 | 1-0 | 32592470 |
31 | Williams Colin (5K,Bris) | AgingGuru | Gajdos Chantal (6K,63Ce) | Kahlo | 0 | 0-1 | 32592535 |
32 | Gorza Alexandre (5K,Bxl ) | gogo22 | Rocher Jeremie (6K,94Ca) | astroJR | 0 | 0-1 | 32592657 |
33 | Eon Serge (5K,64Pa) | ptitged | Rawat Karan (5K,iaga) | nukeu666 | 0 | 1-0 | 32592510 |
34 | Limbach Yvonne (5K,Berl) | KamiKatze | Gacs Istvan (5K,BuPe) | BAGOLY55 | 0 | 1-0 | 32592564 |
35 | Gurbuzel Sebnem (6K,Ank ) | gocaman | Mouhounou Sophie (6K,91Or) | Sophie M | 0 | 0-1 | 32592653 |
36 | Perrin Thibaut (6K,38Gr) | tiboper1 | Sindler Ondrej (5K,Brno) | Pond Turtle | 0 | 1-0 | 32592509 |
37 | Trauwaen Nicolas (6K,33Bo) | trotro | Dymowski Pawel (6K,Szec) | PawelD | 0 | 0-1 | 32592758 |
38 | Nulty Stephen (7K,Bubl) | shinuito | Boyart Christian (6K,75Al) | okapi18 | 0 | 1-0 | 32592757 |
39 | Ishimbaeva Olga (6K,75Ju) | Olish | Payne Rob (7K,Edin) | robzwei | 0 | 0-1 | 32592660 |
40 | Tuohy Niall (8K,Dubl) | niallgo | Ka_Chai Sum (6K,NoCb) | Subscribe 6BJR in youtube | 0 | 1-0 | 32592555 |
41 | Crabtree David (8K,Manc) | patches | Kollarik Peter (6K,Brat) | peko2021 | 0 | 0-1 | 32592553 |
42 | le Tam_Loup (7K,35Re) | Mifeu | Barbati Luciano (8K,Pisa) | bluciano | 0 | 1-0 | 32592655 |
43 | Ferreira Joao (8K,Lis ) | Popz | le_Galiard Jean-Franco (8K,92Le) | jflg | 0 | 1-0 | 32592495 |
44 | Samson Elodie (7K,92An) | Malia | Koole Paul (8K,Amvn) | PaulMartin | 0 | 1-0 | 32592735 |
45 | Malavasi Mathieu (7K,73Ch) | akabara | Dmitriev Fedor (9K,18Iz) | DFM | 0 | 0-1 | 32592719 |
46 | Durand Romain (8K,38Gr) | Piwh | Berceanu Ovidiu (9K,TMWS) | pasis | 0 | 0-1 | 32592567 |
47 | Puaud Denis (8K,31Ba) | DenisbeGo | Duzgungu Altug (7K,Ist ) | cpt_amundsen | 0 | 0-1 | 32592640 |
48 | Chiarini Francesco (8K,WLon) | Vardiello | Do van_Thuan (9K,Oslo) | Ddoox | 0 | 0-1 | 32592451 |
49 | Breviere Lionel (9K,Porc) | Gruts | Touzot Soren (8K,75Op) | ST3bis | 0 | 0-1 | 32592677 |
50 | Karch Jonas (9K,WI ) | bruce29 | Silva Lucas (9K,APGo) | J4son | 0 | 1-0 | 32592440 |
51 | Miksa Marta (9K,Inse) | miksa.marta | Waelzer Karel (10K,CPis) | linuxfunman | 0 | 0-1 | 32592444 |
52 | Engelhardt Alexander (9K,M ) | AlexxHardt | Tran van-Kim (10K,75Op) | Vakars | 0 | 0-1 | 32592533 |
53 | Kabachenko Vasilij (10K,50Pr) | vasvas | Buchy Vincent (10K,00ST) | Titvins | 0 | 1-0 | 32592426 |
54 | Beirnaert Sebastien (10K,66Pe) | hitchigo | Monk Caleb (10K,Epsm) | calebmonkey | 0 | 1-0 | 32592504 |
55 | Slooven Gerard (10K,Sall) | Tsultruim | Boughida Rafik (9K,75Ju) | angryduck | 0 | 0-1 | 32592618 |
56 | Zalevskyy Rostyslav (10K,Alic) | igoist | Palmade Florian (11K,00St) | bad123 | 0 | 0-1 | 32592570 |
57 | Olexa Igor (10K,Kosi) | iolexa | Bardsley Oliver (11K,Harp) | Shaken not Stirred | 0 | 1-0 | 32592455 |
58 | Nicolasen Gerold (11K,Utre) | geroldn | Derrien Christele (10K,35Re) | Titelle | 0 | 1-0 | 32592600 |
59 | Winling Miguel-Angel (11K,75Op) | MigMig75 | Groot Rene_de (11K,Utre) | Argonijt | 0 | 1-0 | 32592712 |
60 | Johnstone John (12K,Bour) | JohnHJ | Jegou Marc (12K,44Na) | marcjegoupro | 0 | 0-1 | 32592632 |
61 | Vandendyck Leo (12K,91Or) | corvgo | Potel Philippe (14K,76Ro) | kenzen32 | 0 | 0-1 | 32592576 |
62 | Ruhland Martin (14K,NoCb) | Naturius | Zeng-Lussereau Eliot (13K,38GJ) | zzy999 | 0 | 1-0 | 32592595 |
63 | Tarraf Jamal (15K,31To) | Jamagoal | Verstappen Marlon (14K,ME ) | Grotifant | 0 | 1-0 | 32592449 |
64 | Khodzher Elfia (14K,27NA) | ElphiyaX | Vildeuil Vanessa (15K,69Ly) | Ryley972 | 0 | 0-1 | 32592471 |
65 | Juldashev Davron (15K,Seng) | Doku_San | Macquet Corentin (15K,00St) | Savagnin | 0 | 0-1 | 32592501 |
66 | Komin Jan (17K,APWS) | Korny33 | Ghetu Sara_Maria (15K,Cluj) | saramg | 0 | 0-1 | 32592523 |
67 | Domig Martin (14K,NoCb) | SirMortimer | Drabkova Pavla (17K,Brno) | LauraLibellulePapillon | 0 | 1-0 | 32592542 |
68 | Bernaud Lucie (16K,35Re) | Lulurepsol35 | Zach Lukas (18K,Usti) | Lukyn | 0 | 0-1 | 32592549 |
69 | Ghetu Denis_Mihai (18K,Cluj) | denismg | Mouial Maxime (17K,75OB) | hush-hush | 0 | 0-1 | 32592547 |
70 | Baker Lawrence (18K,Oxfd) | CoolestKoala | Veillerobe Florent (20K,35Re) | qnpnpmqppnp | 0 | 0-1 | 32592485 |
71 | Schramm Christina (17K,KI ) | Little_Owl | Brun Mathieu (20K,75Al) | pastek17 | 0 | 0-1 | 32592527 |
72 | Bijvank Roland (20K,Utre) | rbijvank | Frank Oliver (20K,St A) | oliverfrank321 | 0 | 0-1 | 32592520 |
73 | Jansen Katharina (20K,LB ) | VampirKa | Jollivet Guy (19K,75Al) | gjollivet | 0 | 0-1 | 32592531 |
74 | Etoubleau Antoine (19K,35Re) | kilop0001 | Jansen Uwe (20K,Ludw) | Karzel | 0 | 1-0 | 32592422 |
75 | Shehan William (20K,AGA ) | Chicago_Will | Pietri Gia (20K,NoCb) | Gia | 0 | 0-1! | forfeit |
76 | Rosbaeck Noel (20K,YliG) | Lerirmain | Collins Quinn Michael (20K,NoCb) | kvaesir | 0 | 1-0! | forfeit |
77 | Chatterjee Arghya (20K,IAGA) | arghya.chatterjee | Coseraru Vasile_Cipria (20K,C361) | aGOp | 0 | 0-1! | forfeit |
78 | Onishchenko Yaroslav (20K,77Mo) | SlavaOnish | Ionita Virgil_Andrei (20K,361!) | doctor repaus | 0 | 0-1 | 32592622 |
Round 2
Updated : 05-04-2021 16h18
Table | White / OGS nickname | Black / OGS nickname | Hd | Result | OGS Game | ||
1 | Kachanovskyi Artem (8D,Rivn) | artem92 | Welticke Jonas (5D,BN ) | iryumika | 0 | 1-0 | 32569217 |
2 | Qian Yu (5D,LCA ) | QianyuCyprus | Yan Zihan (5D,Leid) | SkywArd666 | 0 | 0-1 | 32569079 |
3 | Kanno Hiroki (5D,NoCb) | Myosu | Kim Young-Sam (8D,JIGS) | Kimsamsam | 0 | 1-0 | 32568914 |
4 | Kim Seong-Jin (8D,B ) | seongjin35 | Zhang Xiang (5D,Sin ) | Sadaharu | 0 | 1-0 | 32568655 |
5 | Filippi Pierre (3D,76Ha) | RPI92 | Chernykh Anton (6D,50Zh) | AshesOfDreams | 0 | 0-1 | 32569203 |
6 | Su Jun (4D,CamU) | Automorphy | Frangi Manuel (3D,75Ju) | Drakf | 0 | 1-0 | 32568679 |
7 | Savolainen Javier-Alek (5D,YliG) | Assu138 | Maurer Frank (3D,BS ) | discesa dei Candelieri | 0 | 0-1 | 32568922 |
8 | Donley Jeremiah (3D,SEAG) | OneColorMan | Zhang Shukai_Kirby (2D,F ) | PUMPKINGO | 0 | 1-0 | 32569037 |
9 | Cuyt Sven (1D,Leuv) | Svecify | Vasdal Glenn_Kjetil (2D,Berg) | Glenura | 0 | 1-0 | 32569207 |
10 | Li Boyuan (1D,75Op) | Liboyuan | Ketnim Wynn (2D,NoCb) | AcrylixZero | 0 | 0-1 | 32568575 |
11 | Xing Yuze (1D,HD ) | xiaoyuer | Pishchalnikov Artemij (2D,59So) | Ar4 | 0 | 1-0 | 32568791 |
12 | Rosenblatt Simon (1K,75Op) | simon75 | Kolassa Stephan (1D,Kon ) | Stephan_K | 0 | 1-0 | 32569022 |
13 | Rojas_Carulla Mateo (1D,NoCb) | saladtoes | Sulak Alper (1K,Ank ) | alpergo | 0 | 1-0 | 32568669 |
14 | Touzot Cyan (1K,75Op) | CT3bis | Lee Jiyu (1K,Eind) | jiyulee2004 | 0 | 0-1 | 32569007 |
15 | Reisenegger Renate (1K,Teng) | Tatesin92 | Zhang Mark_Baoliang (1K,Manc) | cannotcount | 0 | 1-0 | 32569048 |
16 | Li Mingda (1K,A ) | darkenergy | Battin Leo (1K,42Se) | epic coconut | 0 | 1-0 | 32568642 |
17 | Malatesta Sofia (2K,Roma) | 🐬Sofiam🐬 | Neveu Cedric (1K,91Or) | Yuvee | 0 | 1-0 | 32568964 |
18 | Berreby Monique (2K,13Ma) | Mons | Soletti Ramon (1K,Mila) | xyper70 | 0 | 0-1 | 32568747 |
19 | Dao Arthur (2K,Casa) | buenavista | Nicolas Philippe (2K,75Op) | Fenring. | 0 | 1-0 | 32568603 |
20 | Roullier Louise (3K,92Le) | Tlina | Toromanoff Clement (2K,45Or) | Tilwen | 0 | 0-1 | 32568660 |
21 | Dupontreue Aurelien (3K,75Ju) | lagolden | Engelen Gints (3K,Leuv) | Farodin | 0 | 0-1 | 32568615 |
22 | Cary Jack (3K,VGC ) | jackcary | Cuello Kevin (4K,35Re) | Ketler | 0 | 1-0 | 32568635 |
23 | Ducos Joachim (4K,31To) | tokidokiyuki | Putnam James (3K,NoCb) | Pygmalion | 0 | 1-0 | 32568616 |
24 | Olivaux Samuel (4K,75Al) | samuel1 | Faubry Emmanuel (3K,Mani) | AjiTae | 0 | 1-0 | 32568684 |
25 | Grimm Kirsten (3K,FR ) | Lunnainn | Vuichard Gaël (4K,35Re) | Gael5 | 0 | 1-0 | 32568857 |
26 | Dyroff Florian (4K,Baye) | iusta | Trinite Damien (4K,92An) | Trinited | 0 | 0-1 | 32568596 |
27 | Chicoineau Leo (4K,00ST) | Chuyou | Menard Clement (4K,95Va) | Whithakk | 0 | 1-0 | 32569027 |
28 | Parenty Francois (4K,90Be) | X3nu | Mignucci Bernard (4K,84Av) | bmm | 0 | 1-0 | 32568627 |
29 | Berhaut Herve (4K,17Ro) | yinyang0 | Gorza Alexandre (5K,Bxl ) | gogo22 | 0 | 1-0 | 32568948 |
30 | Athorne Thomas (5K,NoCb) | thomas.athorne | Cable Matthieu (4K,00St) | Matneops | 0 | 1-0 | 32569032 |
31 | Dobrescu Marius-Adrian (4K,CSRB) | madobrescu | Cacheux Nicolas (5K,91Or) | stoup | 0 | 1-0 | 32568737 |
32 | Hitziger Pascal (4K,P ) | Claspa | Williams Colin (5K,Bris) | AgingGuru | 0 | 1-0 | 32568976 |
33 | Mouhounou Sophie (6K,91Or) | Sophie M | Eon Serge (5K,64Pa) | ptitged | 0 | 0-1 | 32569338 |
34 | Gajdos Chantal (6K,63Ce) | Kahlo | Gacs Istvan (5K,BuPe) | BAGOLY55 | 0 | 1-0 | 32568758 |
35 | Butaud Remi (6K,06Pe) | WaterDancer | Sindler Ondrej (5K,Brno) | Pond Turtle | 0 | 1-0 | 32569060 |
36 | Minjina Dragos_Ioan (4K,C361) | dragosioan | Boyart Christian (6K,75Al) | okapi18 | 0 | 1-0 | 32569078 |
37 | Rawat Karan (5K,iaga) | nukeu666 | Tu Jean-Louis (6K,92An) | jlt | 0 | 0-1 | 32568643 |
38 | Perrin Thibaut (6K,38Gr) | tiboper1 | Ishimbaeva Olga (6K,75Ju) | Olish | 0 | 1-0 | 32568958 |
39 | Trauwaen Nicolas (6K,33Bo) | trotro | Ka_Chai Sum (6K,NoCb) | Subscribe 6BJR in youtube | 0 | 1-0 | 32569020 |
40 | Dymowski Pawel (6K,Szec) | PawelD | Rocher Jeremie (6K,94Ca) | astroJR | 0 | 0-1 | 32568697 |
41 | Gurbuzel Sebnem (6K,Ank ) | gocaman | le Tam_Loup (7K,35Re) | Mifeu | 0 | 1-0 | 32568633 |
42 | Kollarik Peter (6K,Brat) | peko2021 | Nulty Stephen (7K,Bubl) | shinuito | 0 | 0-1 | 32569245 |
43 | Duzgungu Altug (7K,Ist ) | cpt_amundsen | Tuohy Niall (8K,Dubl) | niallgo | 0 | 0-1 | 32569016 |
44 | Payne Rob (7K,Edin) | robzwei | le_Galiard Jean-Franco (8K,92Le) | jflg | 0 | 1-0 | 32568727 |
45 | Luovula Elena (7K,YliG) | StinkyTofu | Crabtree David (8K,Manc) | patches | 0 | 0-1 | 32569050 |
46 | Barbati Luciano (8K,Pisa) | bluciano | Malavasi Mathieu (7K,73Ch) | akabara | 0 | 1-0 | 32568593 |
47 | Chiarini Francesco (8K,WLon) | Vardiello | Pinchard Alexandre (7K,92Ge) | Alexapin | 0 | 0-1 | 32569648 |
48 | Karch Jonas (9K,WI ) | bruce29 | Durand Romain (8K,38Gr) | Piwh | 0 | 0-1 | 32569051 |
49 | Koole Paul (8K,Amvn) | PaulMartin | Miksa Marta (9K,Inse) | miksa.marta | 0 | 1-0 | 32569006 |
50 | Puaud Denis (8K,31Ba) | DenisbeGo | Dmitriev Fedor (9K,18Iz) | DFM | 0 | 0-1 | 32569113 |
51 | Potrata Marko (10K,Port) | Mpotra | Berceanu Ovidiu (9K,TMWS) | pasis | 0 | 0-1 | 32568724 |
52 | Boughida Rafik (9K,75Ju) | angryduck | Zalevskyy Rostyslav (10K,Alic) | igoist | 0 | 0-1 | 32569052 |
53 | Do van_Thuan (9K,Oslo) | Ddoox | Monk Caleb (10K,Epsm) | calebmonkey | 0 | 1-0 | 32568610 |
54 | Lubczynski Konrad (10K,Wars) | KaeL_ | Breviere Lionel (9K,Porc) | Gruts | 0 | 0-1 | 32568798 |
55 | Waelzer Karel (10K,CPis) | linuxfunman | Engelhardt Alexander (9K,M ) | AlexxHardt | 0 | 1-0 | 32568600 |
56 | Sodoma Werner (9K,NoCb) | user5555 | Buchy Vincent (10K,00ST) | Titvins | 0 | 1-0 | 32569017 |
57 | Kabachenko Vasilij (10K,50Pr) | vasvas | Derrien Christele (10K,35Re) | Titelle | 0 | 1-0 | 32568921 |
58 | Groot Rene_de (11K,Utre) | Argonijt | Beirnaert Sebastien (10K,66Pe) | hitchigo | 0 | 0-1 | 32568641 |
59 | Olexa Igor (10K,Kosi) | iolexa | Palmade Florian (11K,00St) | bad123 | 0 | 0-1 | 32568983 |
60 | Bardsley Oliver (11K,Harp) | Shaken not Stirred | Tran van-Kim (10K,75Op) | Vakars | 0 | 0-1 | 32568971 |
61 | Vandendyck Leo (12K,91Or) | corvgo | Nicolasen Gerold (11K,Utre) | geroldn | 0 | 0-1 | 32568592 |
62 | Winling Miguel-Angel (11K,75Op) | MigMig75 | Johnstone John (12K,Bour) | JohnHJ | 0 | 0-1 | 32568771 |
63 | Jegou Marc (12K,44Na) | marcjegoupro | Verstappen Marlon (14K,ME ) | Grotifant | 0 | 1-0 | 32568931 |
64 | Potel Philippe (14K,76Ro) | kenzen32 | Khodzher Elfia (14K,27NA) | ElphiyaX | 0 | 1-0 | 32568772 |
65 | Vildeuil Vanessa (15K,69Ly) | Ryley972 | Ruhland Martin (14K,NoCb) | Naturius | 0 | 0-1 | 32568692 |
66 | Domig Martin (14K,NoCb) | SirMortimer | Tarraf Jamal (15K,31To) | Jamagoal | 0 | 0-1 | 32568702 |
67 | Macquet Corentin (15K,00St) | Savagnin | Ghetu Sara_Maria (15K,Cluj) | saramg | 0 | 1-0 | 32569076 |
68 | Juldashev Davron (15K,Seng) | Doku_San | Bernaud Lucie (16K,35Re) | Lulurepsol35 | 0 | 1-0 | 32569566 |
69 | Komin Jan (17K,APWS) | Korny33 | Schramm Christina (17K,KI ) | Little_Owl | 0 | 1-0 | 32568970 |
70 | Drabkova Pavla (17K,Brno) | LauraLibellulePapillon | Mouial Maxime (17K,75OB) | hush-hush | 0 | 1-0 | 32568591 |
71 | Baker Lawrence (18K,Oxfd) | CoolestKoala | Zach Lukas (18K,Usti) | Lukyn | 0 | 0-1 | 32569108 |
72 | Ghetu Denis_Mihai (18K,Cluj) | denismg | Jollivet Guy (19K,75Al) | gjollivet | 0 | 1-0 | 32569302 |
73 | Frank Oliver (20K,St A) | oliverfrank321 | Autrique Fabrice (19K,35Re) | Fab2 | 0 | 1-0 | 32569085 |
74 | Bijvank Roland (20K,Utre) | rbijvank | Jansen Katharina (20K,LB ) | VampirKa | 0 | 1-0 | 32568778 |
75 | Veillerobe Florent (20K,35Re) | qnpnpmqppnp | Jansen Uwe (20K,Ludw) | Karzel | 0 | 1-0 | 32569056 |
76 | Ionita Virgil_Andrei (20K,361!) | doctor repaus | Brun Mathieu (20K,75Al) | pastek17 | 0 | 0-1 | 32568652 |
77 | Chatterjee Arghya (20K,IAGA) | arghya.chatterjee | Pietri Gia (20K,NoCb) | Gia | 0 | 0-1 | 32568763 |
78 | Shehan William (20K,AGA ) | Chicago_Will | Coseraru Vasile_Cipria (20K,C361) | aGOp | 0 | 1-0 | 32568797 |
79 | Collins Quinn Michael (20K,NoCb) | kvaesir | Onishchenko Yaroslav (20K,77Mo) | SlavaOnish | 0 | 1-0 | 32568997 |
Round 1
Updated : 05-04-2021 16h08
Table | White / OGS nickname | Black / OGS nickname | Hd | Result | OGS Game | ||
1 | Chernykh Anton (6D,50Zh) | AshesOfDreams | Kanno Hiroki (5D,NoCb) | Myosu | 0 | 0-1 | 32564205 |
2 | Yan Zihan (5D,Leid) | SkywArd666 | Kachanovskyi Artem (8D,Rivn) | artem92 | 0 | 0-1 | 32564469 |
3 | Kim Seong-Jin (8D,B ) | seongjin35 | Savolainen Javier-Alek (5D,YliG) | Assu138 | 0 | 1-0 | 32563957 |
4 | Kim Young-Sam (8D,JIGS) | Kimsamsam | Su Jun (4D,CamU) | Automorphy | 0 | 1-0 | 32563906 |
5 | Welticke Jonas (5D,BN ) | iryumika | Qian Yu (5D,LCA ) | QianyuCyprus | 0 | 1-0 | 32564134 |
6 | Zhang Xiang (5D,Sin ) | Sadaharu | Filippi Pierre (3D,76Ha) | RPI92 | 0 | 1-0 | 32564064 |
7 | Frangi Manuel (3D,75Ju) | Drakf | Donley Jeremiah (3D,SEAG) | OneColorMan | 0 | 1-0 | 32564162 |
8 | Maurer Frank (3D,BS ) | discesa dei Candelieri | Ketnim Wynn (2D,NoCb) | AcrylixZero | 0 | 1-0 | 32564036 |
9 | Zhang Shukai_Kirby (2D,F ) | PUMPKINGO | Vasdal Glenn_Kjetil (2D,Berg) | Glenura | 0 | 1-0 | 32564002 |
10 | Pishchalnikov Artemij (2D,59So) | Ar4 | Cuyt Sven (1D,Leuv) | Svecify | 0 | 0-1 | 32564073 |
11 | Kolassa Stephan (1D,Kon ) | Stephan_K | Li Boyuan (1D,75Op) | Liboyuan | 0 | 0-1 | 32563982 |
12 | Rojas_Carulla Mateo (1D,NoCb) | saladtoes | Xing Yuze (1D,HD ) | xiaoyuer | 0 | 0-1 | 32564184 |
13 | Battin Leo (1K,42Se) | epic coconut | Reisenegger Renate (1K,Teng) | Tatesin92 | 0 | 1-0 | 32564147 |
14 | Lee Jiyu (1K,Eind) | jiyulee2004 | Rosenblatt Simon (1K,75Op) | simon75 | 0 | 0-1 | 32564300 |
15 | Neveu Cedric (1K,91Or) | Yuvee | Zhang Mark_Baoliang (1K,Manc) | cannotcount | 0 | 1-0 | 32564167 |
16 | Sulak Alper (1K,Ank ) | alpergo | Soletti Ramon (1K,Mila) | xyper70 | 0 | 1-0 | 32564016 |
17 | Toromanoff Clement (2K,45Or) | Tilwen | Li Mingda (1K,A ) | darkenergy | 0 | 0-1 | 32564029 |
18 | Dao Arthur (2K,Casa) | buenavista | Berreby Monique (2K,13Ma) | Mons | 0 | 0-1 | 32564363 |
19 | Nicolas Philippe (2K,75Op) | Fenring. | Malatesta Sofia (2K,Roma) | 🐬Sofiam🐬 | 0 | 0-1 | 32563973 |
20 | Engelen Gints (3K,Leuv) | Farodin | Cary Jack (3K,VGC ) | jackcary | 0 | 1-0 | 32563863 |
21 | Macek Patrik (3K,361!) | pama73 | Chaouki Youness (3K,NoCb) | La Pinky | 0 | 1-0! | forfeit |
22 | Faubry Emmanuel (3K,Mani) | AjiTae | Dupontreue Aurelien (3K,75Ju) | lagolden | 0 | 0-1 | 32563923 |
23 | Putnam James (3K,NoCb) | Pygmalion | Roullier Louise (3K,92Le) | Tlina | 0 | 0-1 | 32564057 |
24 | Vuichard Gaël (4K,35Re) | Gael5 | Berhaut Herve (4K,17Ro) | yinyang0 | 0 | 1-0 | 32564087 |
25 | Brix Phillip (4K,Orla) | phillip1882 | Ducos Joachim (4K,31To) | tokidokiyuki | 0 | 0-1! | forfeit |
26 | Cable Matthieu (4K,00St) | Matneops | Parenty Francois (4K,90Be) | X3nu | 0 | 0-1 | 32563990 |
27 | Trinite Damien (4K,92An) | Trinited | Chicoineau Leo (4K,00ST) | Chuyou | 0 | 0-1 | 32563892 |
28 | Cuello Kevin (4K,35Re) | Ketler | Dyroff Florian (4K,Baye) | iusta | 0 | 1-0 | 32564009 |
29 | Menard Clement (4K,95Va) | Whithakk | Dobrescu Marius-Adrian (4K,CSRB) | madobrescu | 0 | 1-0 | 32563896 |
30 | Olivaux Samuel (4K,75Al) | samuel1 | Hitziger Pascal (4K,P ) | Claspa | 0 | 1-0 | 32563905 |
31 | Mignucci Bernard (4K,84Av) | bmm | Minjina Dragos_Ioan (4K,C361) | dragosioan | 0 | 1-0 | 32563966 |
32 | Eon Serge (5K,64Pa) | ptitged | Athorne Thomas (5K,NoCb) | thomas.athorne | 0 | 0-1 | 32564099 |
33 | Sindler Ondrej (5K,Brno) | Pond Turtle | Cacheux Nicolas (5K,91Or) | stoup | 0 | 0-1 | 32563974 |
34 | Gacs Istvan (5K,BuPe) | BAGOLY55 | Williams Colin (5K,Bris) | AgingGuru | 0 | 0-1 | 32563851 |
35 | Zazanis Petros (5K,Athe) | easylifer | Gorza Alexandre (5K,Bxl ) | gogo22 | 0 | 0-1! | forfeit |
36 | Mouhounou Sophie (6K,91Or) | Sophie M | Rawat Karan (5K,iaga) | nukeu666 | 0 | 1-0 | error: private |
37 | Ishimbaeva Olga (6K,75Ju) | Olish | Butaud Remi (6K,06Pe) | WaterDancer | 0 | 0-1 | 32564053 |
38 | Dymowski Pawel (6K,Szec) | PawelD | Perrin Thibaut (6K,38Gr) | tiboper1 | 0 | 1-0 | 32564056 |
39 | Ka_Chai Sum (6K,NoCb) | Subscribe 6BJR in youtube | Gajdos Chantal (6K,63Ce) | Kahlo | 0 | 0-1 | 32564043 |
40 | Tu Jean-Louis (6K,92An) | jlt | Gurbuzel Sebnem (6K,Ank ) | gocaman | 0 | 1-0 | 32563929 |
41 | Rocher Jeremie (6K,94Ca) | astroJR | Kollarik Peter (6K,Brat) | peko2021 | 0 | 1-0 | 32564026 |
42 | Boyart Christian (6K,75Al) | okapi18 | Duzgungu Altug (7K,Ist ) | cpt_amundsen | 0 | 1-0 | 32564066 |
43 | Nulty Stephen (7K,Bubl) | shinuito | Luovula Elena (7K,YliG) | StinkyTofu | 0 | 1-0 | 32564068 |
44 | le Tam_Loup (7K,35Re) | Mifeu | Payne Rob (7K,Edin) | robzwei | 0 | 1-0 | 32564092 |
45 | Tuohy Niall (8K,Dubl) | niallgo | Malavasi Mathieu (7K,73Ch) | akabara | 0 | 1-0 | 32563897 |
46 | Touzot Soren (8K,75Op) | ST3bis | Barbati Luciano (8K,Pisa) | bluciano | 0 | 0-1 | 32563940 |
47 | le_Galiard Jean-Franco (8K,92Le) | jflg | Chiarini Francesco (8K,WLon) | Vardiello | 0 | 1-0 | 32564144 |
48 | Durand Romain (8K,38Gr) | Piwh | Crabtree David (8K,Manc) | patches | 0 | 0-1 | 32563925 |
49 | Demirpolat Ömer (8K,NoCb) | omerd | Ferreira Joao (8K,Lis ) | Popz | 0 | 0-1! | forfeit |
50 | Berceanu Ovidiu (9K,TMWS) | pasis | Puaud Denis (8K,31Ba) | DenisbeGo | 0 | 1-0 | 32564060 |
51 | Breviere Lionel (9K,Porc) | Gruts | Karch Jonas (9K,WI ) | bruce29 | 0 | 0-1 | 32563883 |
52 | Dmitriev Fedor (9K,18Iz) | DFM | Do van_Thuan (9K,Oslo) | Ddoox | 0 | 1-0 | 32564232 |
53 | Silva Lucas (9K,APGo) | J4son | Engelhardt Alexander (9K,M ) | AlexxHardt | 0 | 1-0 | 32563871 |
54 | Miksa Marta (9K,Inse) | miksa.marta | Sodoma Werner (9K,NoCb) | user5555 | 0 | 1-0 | 32564126 |
55 | Beirnaert Sebastien (10K,66Pe) | hitchigo | Lubczynski Konrad (10K,Wars) | KaeL_ | 0 | 0-1 | 32564046 |
56 | Buchy Vincent (10K,00ST) | Titvins | Olexa Igor (10K,Kosi) | iolexa | 0 | 1-0 | 32564118 |
57 | Derrien Christele (10K,35Re) | Titelle | Slooven Gerard (10K,Sall) | Tsultruim | 0 | 0-1 | 32563932 |
58 | Monk Caleb (10K,Epsm) | calebmonkey | Kabachenko Vasilij (10K,50Pr) | vasvas | 0 | 1-0 | 32564305 |
59 | Zalevskyy Rostyslav (10K,Alic) | igoist | Potrata Marko (10K,Port) | Mpotra | 0 | 0-1 | 32564015 |
60 | Tran van-Kim (10K,75Op) | Vakars | Waelzer Karel (10K,CPis) | linuxfunman | 0 | 0-1 | 32563920 |
61 | Bardsley Oliver (11K,Harp) | Shaken not Stirred | Winling Miguel-Angel (11K,75Op) | MigMig75 | 0 | 1-0 | 32564185 |
62 | Groot Rene_de (11K,Utre) | Argonijt | Merkiled Yann (11K,72Ma) | ElwolfjonbardSecours | 0 | 1-0! | forfeit |
63 | Palmade Florian (11K,00St) | bad123 | Nicolasen Gerold (11K,Utre) | geroldn | 0 | 1-0 | 32564190 |
64 | Jegou Marc (12K,44Na) | marcjegoupro | Vandendyck Leo (12K,91Or) | corvgo | 0 | 0-1 | 32563928 |
65 | Zeng-Lussereau Eliot (13K,38GJ) | zzy999 | Johnstone John (12K,Bour) | JohnHJ | 0 | 1-0 | 32563887 |
66 | Verstappen Marlon (14K,ME ) | Grotifant | Domig Martin (14K,NoCb) | SirMortimer | 0 | 1-0 | error: private |
67 | Potel Philippe (14K,76Ro) | kenzen32 | Ruhland Martin (14K,NoCb) | Naturius | 0 | 1-0 | 32563975 |
68 | Khodzher Elfia (14K,27NA) | ElphiyaX | Macquet Corentin (15K,00St) | Savagnin | 0 | 0-1 | 32563991 |
69 | Ghetu Sara_Maria (15K,Cluj) | saramg | Vildeuil Vanessa (15K,69Ly) | Ryley972 | 0 | 0-1 | 32563930 |
70 | Tarraf Jamal (15K,31To) | Jamagoal | Juldashev Davron (15K,Seng) | Doku_San | 0 | 1-0 | 32563961 |
71 | Bernaud Lucie (16K,35Re) | Lulurepsol35 | Komin Jan (17K,APWS) | Korny33 | 0 | 0-1 | 32564103 |
72 | Schramm Christina (17K,KI ) | Little_Owl | Drabkova Pavla (17K,Brno) | LauraLibellulePapillon | 0 | 0-1 | 32564014 |
73 | Mouial Maxime (17K,75OB) | hush-hush | Surd Justin (17K,NoCb) | justin | 0 | 1-0! | forfeit |
74 | Zach Lukas (18K,Usti) | Lukyn | Ghetu Denis_Mihai (18K,Cluj) | denismg | 0 | 1-0 | 32564113 |
75 | Jollivet Guy (19K,75Al) | gjollivet | Baker Lawrence (18K,Oxfd) | CoolestKoala | 0 | 1-0 | 32564327 |
76 | Ionita Virgil_Andrei (20K,361!) | doctor repaus | Bijvank Roland (20K,Utre) | rbijvank | 0 | 0-1 | 32563950 |
77 | Brun Mathieu (20K,75Al) | pastek17 | Shehan William (20K,AGA ) | Chicago_Will | 0 | 1-0 | 32564076 |
78 | Jansen Katharina (20K,LB ) | VampirKa | Chatterjee Arghya (20K,IAGA) | arghya.chatterjee | 0 | 1-0 | 32564082 |
79 | Veillerobe Florent (20K,35Re) | qnpnpmqppnp | Collins Quinn Michael (20K,NoCb) | kvaesir | 0 | 1-0 | error: private |
80 | Coseraru Vasile_Cipria (20K,C361) | aGOp | Rosbaeck Noel (20K,YliG) | Lerirmain | 0 | 0-1 | 32563936 |
81 | Pietri Gia (20K,NoCb) | Gia | Frank Oliver (20K,St A) | oliverfrank321 | 0 | 0-1 | 32563847 |
82 | Jansen Uwe (20K,Ludw) | Karzel | Pan David (20K,Beiy) | King of Shrimps | 0 | 1-0! | forfeit |
Standings after round 6
Updated : 05-04-2021 17h58
# | Place | Name | OGS nickname | Rank | Co | Club | NbW | R1 | R2 | R3 | R4 | R5 | R6 | MMS | SOS | SOSOS |
1 | 1 | Kim Seong-Jin | seongjin35 | 8D | DE | B | 6 | 10+/w0 | 7+/w0 | 3+/b0 | 2+/w0 | 5+/b0 | 6+/b0 | 39 | 218 | 1308½ |
2 | 2 | Kanno Hiroki | Myosu | 5D | HK | NoCb | 5 | 5+/b0 | 4+/w0 | 8+/w0 | 1-/b0 | 3+/w0 | 7+/b0 | 38 | 221 | 1302½ |
3 | 3 | Kachanovskyi Artem | artem92 | 8D | UA | Rivn | 4 | 6+/b0 | 9+/w0 | 1-/w0 | 4+/w0 | 2-/b0 | 5+/w0 | 37 | 222 | 1301½ |
4 | 4 | Kim Young-Sam | Kimsamsam | 8D | DE | JIGS | 4 | 11+/w0 | 2-/b0 | 6+/w0 | 3-/b0 | 10+/w0 | 12+/w0 | 37 | 215½ | 1300½ |
5 | 5 | Chernykh Anton | AshesOfDreams | 6D | RU | 50Zh | 3 | 2-/w0 | 26+/b0 | 20+/b0 | 9+/w0 | 1-/w0 | 3-/b0 | 36 | 217 | 1284½ |
6 | 6 | Yan Zihan | SkywArd666 | 5D | NL | Leid | 3 | 3-/w0 | 12+/b0 | 4-/b0 | 26+/w0 | 8+/b0 | 1-/w0 | 36 | 216½ | 1288½ |
7 | 7 | Zhang Xiang | Sadaharu | 5D | SG | Sin | 3 | 26+/w0 | 1-/b0 | 19+/w0 | 8-/b0 | 9+/b0 | 2-/w0 | 36 | 216 | 1279 |
8 | 8 | Maurer Frank | discesa dei Candelieri | 3D | DE | BS | 4 | 14+/w0 | 10+/b0 | 2-/b0 | 7+/w0 | 6-/w0 | 11+/b0 | 36 | 214 | 1287 |
9 | 9 | Welticke Jonas | iryumika | 5D | DE | BN | 3 | 12+/w0 | 3-/b0 | 11+/w0 | 5-/b0 | 7-/w0 | 10+/b0 | 36 | 213½ | 1296 |
10 | 10 | Savolainen Javier-Aleksi | Assu138 | 5D | FI | YliG | 2 | 1-/b0 | 8-/w0 | 26+/w0 | 11+/b0 | 4-/b0 | 9-/w0 | 35 | 216 | 1281 |
11 | 11 | Su Jun | Automorphy | 4D | UK | CamU | 2 | 4-/b0 | 20+/w0 | 9-/b0 | 10-/w0 | 13+/w0 | 8-/w0 | 35 | 213 | 1266½ |
12 | 12 | Qian Yu | QianyuCyprus | 5D | CN | LCA | 2 | 9-/b0 | 6-/w0 | 13-/b0 | 19+!w0 | 15+/w0 | 4-/b0 | 35 | 212 | 1259 |
13 | 13 | Zhang Shukai_Kirby | PUMPKINGO | 2D | DE | F | 4 | 32+/w0 | 19-/b0 | 12+/w0 | 16+/b0 | 11-/b0 | 15+/w0 | 35 | 204½ | 1223 |
14 | 14 | Ketnim Wynn | AcrylixZero | 2D | TH | NoCb | 3 | 8-/b0 | 18+/b0 | 15-/w0 | 27+/b0 | 19+/b0 | 16-/w0 | 34 | 204½ | 1206 |
15 | 15 | Xing Yuze | xiaoyuer | 1D | DE | HD | 4 | 29+/b0 | 16+/w0 | 14+/b0 | 20+/w0 | 12-/b0 | 13-/b0 | 34 | 203½ | 1214½ |
16 | 16 | Pishchalnikov Artemij | Ar4 | 2D | RU | 59So | 3 | 27-/w0 | 15-/b0 | 31+/b0 | 13-/w0 | 38+/w0 | 14+/b0 | 34 | 197 | 1201 |
17 | 17 | Neveu Cedric | Yuvee | 1K | FR | 91Or | 5 | 38+/w0 | 28-/b0 | 33+/b0 | 25+/w0 | 21+/w0 | 29+/b0 | 34 | 191 | 1158 |
18 | 18 | Li Boyuan | Liboyuan | 1D | FR | 75Op | 4 | 39+/b0 | 14-/w0 | 38+/b0 | 23-/w0 | 22+/w0 | 0+ | 34 | 191 | 1155½ |
19 | 19 | Donley Jeremiah | OneColorMan | 3D | US | SEAG | 1 | 20-/b0 | 13+/w0 | 7-/b0 | 12-!b0 | 14-/w0 | 0- | 33 | 205½ | 1232 |
20 | 20 | Frangi Manuel | Drakf | 3D | FR | 75Ju | 1 | 19+/w0 | 11-/b0 | 5-/w0 | 15-/b0 | 0- | 0- | 33 | 203 | 1223 |
21 | 21 | Lee Jiyu | jiyulee2004 | 1K | NL | Eind | 4 | 31-/w0 | 24+/b0 | 29+/w0 | 28+/b0 | 17-/b0 | 38+/w0 | 33 | 192½ | 1159½ |
22 | 22 | Soletti Ramon | xyper70 | 1K | IT | Mila | 4 | 34-/b0 | 33+/b0 | 39+/w0 | 31+/w0 | 18-/b0 | 35+/w0 | 33 | 189 | 1149 |
23 | 23 | Li Mingda | darkenergy | 1K | CN | A | 4 | 36+/b0 | 35+/w0 | 27+/w0 | 18+/b0 | 0- | 0- | 33 | 188 | 1107 |
24 | 24 | Touzot Cyan | CT3bis | 1K | FR | 75Op | 4 | 0- | 21-/w0 | 30+/w0 | 39+/b0 | 34+/w0 | 28+/b0 | 33 | 187½ | 1130½ |
25 | 25 | Reisenegger Renate | Tatesin92 | 1K | CL | Teng | 4 | 35-/b0 | 38+/w0 | 41+/w0 | 17-/b0 | 36+/w0 | 40+/w0 | 33 | 187½ | 1127 |
26 | 26 | Filippi Pierre | RPI92 | 3D | FR | 76Ha | 0 | 7-/b0 | 5-/w0 | 10-/b0 | 6-/b0 | 0- | 0- | 32 | 207 | 1249½ |
27 | 27 | Cuyt Sven | Svecify | 1D | BE | Leuv | 2 | 16+/b0 | 32+/w0 | 23-/b0 | 14-/w0 | 0- | 0- | 32 | 195 | 1141½ |
28 | 28 | Malatesta Sofia | 🐬Sofiam🐬 | 2K | IT | Roma | 4 | 37+/b0 | 17+/w0 | 34+/b0 | 21-/w0 | 33+/w0 | 24-/w0 | 32 | 194 | 1137 |
29 | 29 | Rojas_Carulla Mateo | saladtoes | 1D | CH | NoCb | 2 | 15-/w0 | 34+/w0 | 21-/b0 | 38-/b0 | 31+/w0 | 17-/w0 | 32 | 193½ | 1171 |
30 | 30 | Dao Arthur | buenavista | 2K | MA | Casa | 4 | 33-/w0 | 37+/w0 | 24-/b0 | 49+/b0 | 42+/w0 | 31+/b0 | 32 | 185 | 1113 |
31 | 31 | Rosenblatt Simon | simon75 | 1K | FR | 75Op | 2 | 21+/b0 | 39+/w0 | 16-/w0 | 22-/b0 | 29-/b0 | 30-/w0 | 31 | 194 | 1151½ |
32 | 32 | Vasdal Glenn_Kjetil | Glenura | 2D | NO | Berg | 0 | 13-/b0 | 27-/b0 | 0- | 0- | 0- | 0- | 31 | 192 | 1143½ |
33 | 33 | Berreby Monique | Mons | 2K | FR | 13Ma | 3 | 30+/b0 | 22-/w0 | 17-/w0 | 40+/b0 | 28-/b0 | 44+/w0 | 31 | 191 | 1112½ |
34 | 34 | Sulak Alper | alpergo | 1K | TR | Ank | 2 | 22+/w0 | 29-/b0 | 28-/w0 | 37+/w0 | 24-/b0 | 0- | 31 | 190½ | 1122½ |
35 | 35 | Battin Leo | epic coconut | 1K | FR | 42Se | 2 | 25+/w0 | 23-/b0 | 0- | 0- | 39+/b0 | 22-/b0 | 31 | 188 | 1107 |
36 | 36 | Toromanoff Clement | Tilwen | 2K | FR | 45Or | 3 | 23-/w0 | 40+/b0 | 0- | 43+/w0 | 25-/b0 | 39+/w0 | 31 | 185 | 1097 |
37 | 37 | Nicolas Philippe | Fenring. | 2K | FR | 75Op | 3 | 28-/w0 | 30-/b0 | 42+/w0 | 34-/b0 | 48+/w0 | 45+/b0 | 31 | 184½ | 1096 |
38 | 38 | Zhang Mark_Baoliang | cannotcount | 1K | UK | Manc | 1 | 17-/b0 | 25-/b0 | 18-/w0 | 29+/w0 | 16-/b0 | 21-/b0 | 30 | 199½ | 1152½ |
39 | 39 | Kolassa Stephan | Stephan_K | 1D | DE | Kon | 0 | 18-/w0 | 31-/b0 | 22-/b0 | 24-/w0 | 35-/w0 | 36-/b0 | 30 | 194½ | 1134½ |
40 | 40 | Roullier Louise | Tlina | 3K | FR | 92Le | 3 | 72+/b0 | 36-/w0 | 65+/w0 | 33-/w0 | 54+/b0 | 25-/b0 | 30 | 182 | 1075 |
41 | 41 | Olivaux Samuel | samuel1 | 4K | FR | 75Al | 4 | 44+/w0 | 48+/w0 | 25-/b0 | 56-/b0 | 51+/b0 | 54+/w0 | 30 | 181½ | 1048 |
42 | 42 | Chicoineau Leo | Chuyou | 4K | FR | 00ST | 4 | 51+/b0 | 50+/w0 | 37-/b0 | 46+/w0 | 30-/b0 | 55+/w0 | 30 | 180 | 1057½ |
43 | 43 | Parenty Francois | X3nu | 4K | FR | 90Be | 4 | 53+/b0 | 62+/w0 | 60+/w0 | 36-/b0 | 45-/b0 | 56+/w0 | 30 | 177 | 1047½ |
44 | 44 | Hitziger Pascal | Claspa | 4K | DE | P | 4 | 41-/b0 | 66+/w0 | 82+/b0 | 62+/w0 | 49+/w0 | 33-/b0 | 30 | 171½ | 1058 |
45 | 45 | Berhaut Herve | yinyang0 | 4K | FR | 17Ro | 4 | 63-/b0 | 84+/w0 | 72+/b0 | 60+/b0 | 43+/w0 | 37-/w0 | 30 | 170½ | 1051 |
46 | 46 | Minjina Dragos_Ioan | dragosioan | 4K | RO | C361 | 4 | 62-/b0 | 86+/w0 | 50+/w0 | 42-/b0 | 61+/b0 | 57+/w0 | 30 | 170 | 1032 |
47 | 47 | Tu Jean-Louis | jlt | 6K | FR | 92An | 6 | 83+/w0 | 74+/b0 | 53+/w0 | 73+/b0 | 52+/b0 | 49+/w0 | 30 | 166½ | 1025½ |
48 | 48 | Faubry Emmanuel | AjiTae | 3K | PH | Mani | 2 | 61-/w0 | 41-/b0 | 51+/b0 | 55-/w0 | 37-/b0 | 67+/w0 | 29 | 176 | 1050½ |
49 | 49 | Ducos Joachim | tokidokiyuki | 4K | FR | 31To | 3 | 87+!b0 | 72+/w0 | 61+/b0 | 30-/w0 | 44-/b0 | 47-/b0 | 29 | 176 | 1031½ |
50 | 50 | Menard Clement | Whithakk | 4K | FR | 95Va | 3 | 58+/w0 | 42-/b0 | 46-/b0 | 52-/w0 | 64+/w0 | 68+/b0 | 29 | 175 | 1019½ |
51 | 51 | Trinite Damien | Trinited | 4K | FR | 92An | 3 | 42-/w0 | 52+/b0 | 48-/w0 | 68+/b0 | 41-/w0 | 60+/b0 | 29 | 174 | 1051½ |
52 | 52 | Dyroff Florian | iusta | 4K | DE | Baye | 3 | 67-/b0 | 51-/w0 | 59+/w0 | 50+/b0 | 47-/w0 | 70+/b0 | 29 | 174 | 1006½ |
53 | 53 | Cable Matthieu | Matneops | 4K | FR | 00St | 3 | 43-/w0 | 73-/b0 | 47-/b0 | 69+/w0 | 77+/b0 | 61+/w0 | 29 | 171 | 1014 |
54 | 54 | Engelen Gints | Farodin | 3K | BE | Leuv | 2 | 60+/w0 | 61+/b0 | 0- | 0- | 40-/w0 | 41-/b0 | 29 | 170 | 1041 |
55 | 55 | Eon Serge | ptitged | 5K | FR | 64Pa | 4 | 73-/w0 | 69+/b0 | 74+/w0 | 48+/b0 | 60+/w0 | 42-/b0 | 29 | 169 | 1035 |
56 | 56 | Grimm Kirsten | Lunnainn | 3K | DE | FR | 2 | 0- | 63+/w0 | 0- | 41+/w0 | 0- | 43-/b0 | 29 | 169 | 1019 |
57 | 57 | Rocher Jeremie | astroJR | 6K | FR | 94Ca | 5 | 92+/w0 | 64+/b0 | 84+/b0 | 72+/w0 | 62+/w0 | 46-/b0 | 29 | 164½ | 1013½ |
58 | 58 | Dobrescu Marius-Adrian | madobrescu | 4K | RO | CSRB | 3 | 50-/b0 | 82+/w0 | 63+/w0 | 61+/w0 | 0- | 0- | 29 | 163 | 1007 |
59 | 59 | Butaud Remi | WaterDancer | 6K | FR | 06Pe | 5 | 102+/b0 | 91+/w0 | 52-/b0 | 76+/w0 | 63+/w0 | 62+/b0 | 29 | 163 | 1001 |
60 | 60 | Cary Jack | jackcary | 3K | US | VGC | 1 | 54-/b0 | 67+/w0 | 43-/b0 | 45-/w0 | 55-/b0 | 51-/w0 | 28 | 177 | 1025½ |
61 | 61 | Dupontreue Aurelien | lagolden | 3K | FR | 75Ju | 1 | 48+/b0 | 54-/w0 | 49-/w0 | 58-/b0 | 46-/w0 | 53-/b0 | 28 | 176½ | 1026 |
62 | 62 | Mignucci Bernard | bmm | 4K | FR | 84Av | 2 | 46+/w0 | 43-/b0 | 73+/w0 | 44-/b0 | 57-/b0 | 59-/w0 | 28 | 175 | 1018 |
63 | 63 | Vuichard Gaël | Gael5 | 4K | FR | 35Re | 2 | 45+/w0 | 56-/b0 | 58-/b0 | 64-/w0 | 59-/b0 | 74+/w0 | 28 | 174½ | 1002 |
64 | 64 | Dymowski Pawel | PawelD | 6K | PL | Szec | 4 | 70+/w0 | 57-/w0 | 79+/b0 | 63+/b0 | 50-/b0 | 77+/w0 | 28 | 169½ | 992½ |
65 | 65 | Macek Patrik | pama73 | 3K | SK | 361! | 1 | 75+!w0 | 0- | 40-/b0 | 0- | 0- | 0- | 28 | 168 | 994½ |
66 | 66 | Williams Colin | AgingGuru | 5K | UK | Bris | 3 | 85+/b0 | 44-/b0 | 68-/w0 | 70-/w0 | 82+/b0 | 79+/w0 | 28 | 165½ | 986½ |
67 | 67 | Cuello Kevin | Ketler | 4K | FR | 35Re | 2 | 52+/w0 | 60-/b0 | 0- | 0- | 76+/w0 | 48-/b0 | 28 | 165 | 998½ |
68 | 68 | Gajdos Chantal | Kahlo | 6K | FR | 63Ce | 4 | 101+/b0 | 85+/w0 | 66+/b0 | 51-/w0 | 72+/b0 | 50-/w0 | 28 | 163 | 1014½ |
69 | 69 | Mouhounou Sophie | Sophie M | 6K | FR | 91Or | 4 | 74+/w0 | 55-/w0 | 83+/b0 | 53-/b0 | 94+/b0 | 72+/w0 | 28 | 163 | 1000 |
70 | 70 | Perrin Thibaut | tiboper1 | 6K | FR | 38Gr | 4 | 64-/b0 | 102+/w0 | 91+/w0 | 66+/b0 | 73+/b0 | 52-/w0 | 28 | 163 | 999 |
71 | 71 | le Tam_Loup | Mifeu | 7K | FR | 35Re | 5 | 78+/w0 | 83-/b0 | 93+/w0 | 91+/b0 | 80+/b0 | 73+/w0 | 28 | 158 | 964½ |
72 | 72 | Putnam James | Pygmalion | 3K | US | NoCb | 0 | 40-/w0 | 49-/b0 | 45-/w0 | 57-/b0 | 68-/w0 | 69-/b0 | 27 | 173½ | 1019 |
73 | 73 | Athorne Thomas | thomas.athorne | 5K | UK | NoCb | 2 | 55+/b0 | 53+/w0 | 62-/b0 | 47-/w0 | 70-/w0 | 71-/b0 | 27 | 172 | 1002½ |
74 | 74 | Rawat Karan | nukeu666 | 5K | IN | iaga | 2 | 69-/b0 | 47-/w0 | 55-/b0 | 92+/w0 | 78+/w0 | 63-/b0 | 27 | 167 | 991 |
75 | 75 | Chaouki Youness | La Pinky | 3K | MO | NoCb | 0 | 65-!b0 | 0- | 0- | 0- | 0- | 0- | 27 | 164½ | 978 |
76 | 76 | Nulty Stephen | shinuito | 7K | IE | Bubl | 4 | 105+/w0 | 92+/b0 | 86+/w0 | 59-/b0 | 67-/b0 | 82+/w0 | 27 | 159½ | 965½ |
77 | 77 | Limbach Yvonne | KamiKatze | 5K | DE | Berl | 2 | 0- | 0- | 85+/w0 | 82+/b0 | 53-/w0 | 64-/b0 | 27 | 159 | 973 |
78 | 78 | Payne Rob | robzwei | 7K | UK | Edin | 4 | 71-/b0 | 106+/w0 | 102+/b0 | 83+/w0 | 74-/b0 | 85+/w0 | 27 | 157 | 955 |
79 | 79 | Trauwaen Nicolas | trotro | 6K | FR | 33Bo | 3 | 0- | 101+/w0 | 64-/w0 | 85+/b0 | 84+/b0 | 66-/b0 | 27 | 156½ | 970 |
80 | 80 | Tuohy Niall | niallgo | 8K | IE | Dubl | 5 | 103+/w0 | 95+/b0 | 101+/w0 | 86+/b0 | 71-/w0 | 92+/b0 | 27 | 152 | 949½ |
81 | 81 | Dmitriev Fedor | DFM | 9K | RU | 18Iz | 6 | 104+/w0 | 111+/b0 | 103+/b0 | 101+/b0 | 86+/w0 | 83+/w0 | 27 | 147 | 937½ |
82 | 82 | Cacheux Nicolas | stoup | 5K | FR | 91Or | 1 | 91+/b0 | 58-/b0 | 44-/w0 | 77-/w0 | 66-/w0 | 76-/b0 | 26 | 169 | 979½ |
83 | 83 | Gurbuzel Sebnem | gocaman | 6K | TR | Ank | 2 | 47-/b0 | 71+/w0 | 69-/w0 | 78-/b0 | 98+/b0 | 81-/b0 | 26 | 165½ | 936½ |
84 | 84 | Gorza Alexandre | gogo22 | 5K | BE | Bxl | 1 | 96+!b0 | 45-/b0 | 57-/w0 | 0- | 79-/w0 | 0- | 26 | 164½ | 943 |
85 | 85 | Gacs Istvan | BAGOLY55 | 5K | HU | BuPe | 1 | 66-/w0 | 68-/b0 | 77-/b0 | 79-/w0 | 93+/w0 | 78-/b0 | 26 | 163½ | 958 |
86 | 86 | Boyart Christian | okapi18 | 6K | FR | 75Al | 2 | 95+/w0 | 46-/b0 | 76-/b0 | 80-/w0 | 81-/b0 | 97+/b0 | 26 | 161 | 929½ |
87 | 87 | Brix Phillip | phillip1882 | 4K | US | Orla | 0 | 49-!w0 | 0- | 0- | 0- | 0- | 0- | 26 | 158½ | 956 |
88 | 88 | Durand Romain | Piwh | 8K | FR | 38Gr | 4 | 94-/w0 | 112+/b0 | 97-/w0 | 107+/b0 | 92+/b0 | 104+/b0 | 26 | 146½ | 899½ |
89 | 89 | Touzot Soren | ST3bis | 8K | FR | 75Op | 4 | 93-/w0 | 0- | 99+/b0 | 112+/w0 | 101+/b0 | 94+/b0 | 26 | 144½ | 894½ |
90 | 90 | Samson Elodie | Malia | 7K | FR | 92An | 3 | 0- | 0- | 115+/w0 | 0- | 95+/b0 | 93+/b0 | 26 | 143½ | 865½ |
91 | 91 | Sindler Ondrej | Pond Turtle | 5K | CZ | Brno | 0 | 82-/w0 | 59-/b0 | 70-/b0 | 71-/w0 | 0- | 0- | 25 | 161 | 953 |
92 | 92 | Kollarik Peter | peko2021 | 6K | SK | Brat | 1 | 57-/b0 | 76-/w0 | 94+/b0 | 74-/b0 | 88-/w0 | 80-/w0 | 25 | 161 | 943½ |
93 | 93 | Barbati Luciano | bluciano | 8K | IT | Pisa | 3 | 89+/b0 | 103+/w0 | 71-/b0 | 97+/w0 | 85-/b0 | 90-/w0 | 25 | 157 | 910 |
94 | 94 | Crabtree David | patches | 8K | UK | Manc | 3 | 88+/b0 | 105+/b0 | 92-/w0 | 103+/b0 | 69-/w0 | 89-/w0 | 25 | 154 | 914½ |
95 | 95 | Duzgungu Altug | cpt_amundsen | 7K | TR | Ist | 2 | 86-/b0 | 80-/w0 | 111+/b0 | 98-/w0 | 90-/w0 | 108+/b0 | 25 | 153½ | 890½ |
96 | 96 | Zazanis Petros | easylifer | 5K | GR | Athe | 0 | 84-!w0 | 0- | 0- | 0- | 0- | 0- | 25 | 151½ | 914½ |
97 | 97 | Berceanu Ovidiu | pasis | 9K | RO | TMWS | 4 | 111+/w0 | 130+/b0 | 88+/b0 | 93-/b0 | 102+/w0 | 86-/w0 | 25 | 147½ | 899 |
98 | 98 | Ferreira Joao | Popz | 8K | PT | Lis | 3 | 124+!b0 | 0- | 106+/w0 | 95+/b0 | 83-/w0 | 0- | 25 | 145 | 862½ |
99 | 99 | Breviere Lionel | Gruts | 9K | BE | Porc | 4 | 112-/w0 | 132+/b0 | 89-/w0 | 117+/b0 | 121+/w0 | 103+/b0 | 25 | 142 | 849½ |
100 | 100 | Pinchard Alexandre | Alexapin | 7K | FR | 92Ge | 2 | 0- | 113+/b0 | 0- | 0- | 0- | 101+/w0 | 25 | 139½ | 859 |
101 | 101 | Ka_Chai Sum | Subscribe 6BJR in youtube | 6K | HK | NoCb | 0 | 68-/w0 | 79-/b0 | 80-/b0 | 81-/w0 | 89-/w0 | 100-/b0 | 24 | 163 | 902½ |
102 | 102 | Ishimbaeva Olga | Olish | 6K | RU | 75Ju | 0 | 59-/w0 | 70-/b0 | 78-/w0 | 0- | 97-/b0 | 0- | 24 | 157 | 918½ |
103 | 103 | Malavasi Mathieu | akabara | 7K | FR | 73Ch | 1 | 80-/b0 | 93-/b0 | 81-/w0 | 94-/w0 | 107+/w0 | 99-/w0 | 24 | 153 | 894½ |
104 | 104 | Do van_Thuan | Ddoox | 9K | NO | Oslo | 3 | 81-/b0 | 121+/w0 | 113+/b0 | 105+/w0 | 106-/b0 | 88-/w0 | 24 | 148 | 868 |
105 | 105 | Luovula Elena | StinkyTofu | 7K | FI | YliG | 1 | 76-/b0 | 94-/w0 | 0- | 104-/b0 | 108-/b0 | 117+/w0 | 24 | 146½ | 879 |
106 | 106 | le_Galiard Jean-Francois | jflg | 8K | FR | 92Le | 2 | 113+/w0 | 78-/b0 | 98-/b0 | 0- | 104+/w0 | 0- | 24 | 144 | 858 |
107 | 107 | Waelzer Karel | linuxfunman | 10K | CZ | CPis | 4 | 116+/b0 | 123+/w0 | 114+/b0 | 88-/w0 | 103-/b0 | 109+/w0 | 24 | 142½ | 859 |
108 | 108 | Boughida Rafik | angryduck | 9K | FR | 75Ju | 3 | 0- | 118-/w0 | 128+/b0 | 115+/b0 | 105+/w0 | 95-/w0 | 24 | 142 | 828 |
109 | 109 | Palmade Florian | bad123 | 11K | FR | 00St | 5 | 125+/w0 | 110+/b0 | 118+/b0 | 114+/w0 | 112+/b0 | 107-/b0 | 24 | 140 | 838 |
110 | 110 | Olexa Igor | iolexa | 10K | SK | Kosi | 4 | 122-/b0 | 109-/w0 | 126+/w0 | 116+/b0 | 111+/w0 | 114+/b0 | 24 | 137 | 841 |
111 | 111 | Puaud Denis | DenisbeGo | 8K | FR | 31Ba | 1 | 97-/b0 | 81-/w0 | 95-/w0 | 120-/w0 | 110-/b0 | 121+/b0 | 23 | 147 | 852 |
112 | 112 | Karch Jonas | bruce29 | 9K | DE | WI | 2 | 99+/b0 | 88-/w0 | 127+/w0 | 89-/b0 | 109-/w0 | 0- | 23 | 146½ | 829 |
113 | 113 | Chiarini Francesco | Vardiello | 8K | UK | WLon | 1 | 106-/b0 | 100-/w0 | 104-/w0 | 0- | 119-/b0 | 125+/b0 | 23 | 144 | 831½ |
114 | 114 | Miksa Marta | miksa.marta | 9K | HR | Inse | 2 | 119+/w0 | 115-/b0 | 107-/w0 | 109-/b0 | 116+/b0 | 110-/w0 | 23 | 143½ | 833½ |
115 | 115 | Koole Paul | PaulMartin | 8K | NL | Amvn | 1 | 0- | 114+/w0 | 90-/b0 | 108-/w0 | 0- | 0- | 23 | 141 | 825 |
116 | 116 | Tran van-Kim | Vakars | 10K | FR | 75Op | 3 | 107-/w0 | 126+/b0 | 123+/b0 | 110-/w0 | 114-/w0 | 119+/w0 | 23 | 139½ | 824 |
117 | 117 | Beirnaert Sebastien | hitchigo | 10K | FR | 66Pe | 3 | 132-/w0 | 133+/b0 | 121+/w0 | 99-/w0 | 125+/b0 | 105-/b0 | 23 | 137½ | 818 |
118 | 118 | Zalevskyy Rostyslav | igoist | 10K | ES | Alic | 3 | 130-/w0 | 108+/b0 | 109-/w0 | 0- | 131+/b0 | 122+/w0 | 23 | 134 | 800½ |
119 | 119 | Sodoma Werner | user5555 | 9K | AT | NoCb | 2 | 114-/b0 | 122+/w0 | 0- | 0- | 113+/w0 | 116-/b0 | 23 | 133½ | 819 |
120 | 120 | Kabachenko Vasilij | vasvas | 10K | RU | 50Pr | 3 | 121-/b0 | 136+/w0 | 122+/w0 | 111+/b0 | 0- | 0- | 23 | 127 | 801½ |
121 | 121 | Monk Caleb | calebmonkey | 10K | UK | Epsm | 2 | 120+/w0 | 104-/b0 | 117-/b0 | 134+/w0 | 99-/b0 | 111-/w0 | 22 | 140 | 824½ |
122 | 122 | Buchy Vincent | Titvins | 10K | FR | 00ST | 2 | 110+/w0 | 119-/b0 | 120-/b0 | 125-/w0 | 130+/w0 | 118-/b0 | 22 | 140 | 796½ |
123 | 123 | Engelhardt Alexander | AlexxHardt | 9K | DE | M | 1 | 127-/b0 | 107-/b0 | 116-/w0 | 0- | 128-/w0 | 131+/w0 | 22 | 136½ | 793 |
124 | 124 | Demirpolat Ömer | omerd | 8K | TR | NoCb | 0 | 98-!w0 | 0- | 0- | 0- | 0- | 0- | 22 | 135½ | 805 |
125 | 125 | Nicolasen Gerold | geroldn | 11K | NL | Utre | 3 | 109-/b0 | 129+/b0 | 136+/w0 | 122+/b0 | 117-/w0 | 113-/w0 | 22 | 134½ | 822 |
126 | 126 | Bardsley Oliver | Shaken not Stirred | 11K | UK | Harp | 3 | 131+/w0 | 116-/w0 | 110-/b0 | 129-/w0 | 134+/b0 | 136+/b0 | 22 | 131 | 788 |
127 | 127 | Silva Lucas | J4son | 9K | PT | APGo | 1 | 123+/w0 | 0- | 112-/b0 | 0- | 0- | 0- | 22 | 130 | 787 |
128 | 128 | Slooven Gerard | Tsultruim | 10K | NL | Sall | 2 | 136+/b0 | 0- | 108-/w0 | 0- | 123+/b0 | 0- | 22 | 127 | 773 |
129 | 129 | Vandendyck Leo | corvgo | 12K | FR | 91Or | 4 | 134+/b0 | 125-/w0 | 137-/w0 | 126+/b0 | 136+/w0 | 133+/b0 | 22 | 126 | 770 |
130 | 130 | Potrata Marko | Mpotra | 10K | SI | Port | 1 | 118+/b0 | 97-/w0 | 0- | 0- | 122-/b0 | 0- | 21 | 130½ | 781½ |
131 | 131 | Winling Miguel-Angel | MigMig75 | 11K | FR | 75Op | 2 | 126-/b0 | 139-/w0 | 133+/w0 | 136+/b0 | 118-/w0 | 123-/b0 | 21 | 128 | 785 |
132 | 132 | Lubczynski Konrad | KaeL_ | 10K | PL | Wars | 1 | 117+/b0 | 99-/w0 | 0- | 0- | 0- | 0- | 21 | 128 | 759½ |
133 | 133 | Groot Rene_de | Argonijt | 11K | NL | Utre | 2 | 141+!w0 | 117-/w0 | 131-/b0 | 0- | 137+/b0 | 129-/w0 | 21 | 127 | 741½ |
134 | 134 | Jegou Marc | marcjegoupro | 12K | FR | 44Na | 3 | 129-/w0 | 142+/w0 | 139+/b0 | 121-/b0 | 126-/w0 | 140+/b0 | 21 | 123 | 751½ |
135 | 135 | Macquet Corentin | Savagnin | 15K | FR | 00St | 6 | 145+/b0 | 148+/w0 | 143+/b0 | 140+/w0 | 139+/w0 | 137+/b0 | 21 | 112 | 688½ |
136 | 136 | Derrien Christele | Titelle | 10K | FR | 35Re | 0 | 128-/w0 | 120-/b0 | 125-/b0 | 131-/w0 | 129-/b0 | 126-/w0 | 20 | 134½ | 773½ |
137 | 137 | Potel Philippe | kenzen32 | 14K | FR | 76Ro | 4 | 140+/w0 | 145+/w0 | 129+/b0 | 139+/b0 | 133-/w0 | 135-/w0 | 20 | 120 | 716½ |
138 | 138 | Tarraf Jamal | Jamagoal | 15K | FR | 31To | 5 | 143+/w0 | 147+/b0 | 142+/w0 | 0- | 144+/b0 | 139+/b0 | 20 | 108½ | 657 |
139 | 139 | Johnstone John | JohnHJ | 12K | UK | Bour | 1 | 144-/b0 | 131+/b0 | 134-/w0 | 137-/w0 | 135-/b0 | 138-/w0 | 19 | 122 | 705 |
140 | 140 | Ruhland Martin | Naturius | 14K | DE | NoCb | 3 | 137-/b0 | 146+/b0 | 144+/w0 | 135-/b0 | 142+/w0 | 134-/w0 | 19 | 117½ | 693½ |
141 | 141 | Merkiled Yann | ElwolfjonbardSecours | 11K | FR | 72Ma | 0 | 133-!b0 | 0- | 0- | 0- | 0- | 0- | 19 | 116 | 697 |
142 | 142 | Verstappen Marlon | Grotifant | 14K | DE | ME | 3 | 147+/w0 | 134-/b0 | 138-/b0 | 144+/w0 | 140-/b0 | 146+/w0 | 19 | 115 | 677 |
143 | 143 | Juldashev Davron | Doku_San | 15K | KY | Seng | 4 | 138-/b0 | 150+/w0 | 135-/w0 | 146+/b0 | 145+/w0 | 144+/b0 | 19 | 112 | 653½ |
144 | 144 | Zeng-Lussereau Eliot | zzy999 | 13K | FR | 38GJ | 1 | 139+/w0 | 0- | 140-/b0 | 142-/b0 | 138-/w0 | 143-/w0 | 18 | 113½ | 677 |
145 | 145 | Khodzher Elfia | ElphiyaX | 14K | RU | 27NA | 2 | 135-/w0 | 137-/b0 | 146-/w0 | 148+/b0 | 143-/b0 | 149+/w0 | 18 | 112 | 652 |
146 | 146 | Vildeuil Vanessa | Ryley972 | 15K | FR | 69Ly | 3 | 148+/b0 | 140-/w0 | 145+/b0 | 143-/w0 | 147+/w0 | 142-/b0 | 18 | 110 | 666 |
147 | 147 | Domig Martin | SirMortimer | 14K | AT | NoCb | 2 | 142-/b0 | 138-/w0 | 154+/w0 | 0- | 146-/b0 | 151+!b0 | 18 | 104½ | 623½ |
148 | 148 | Ghetu Sara_Maria | saramg | 15K | RO | Cluj | 2 | 146-/w0 | 135-/b0 | 152+/b0 | 145-/w0 | 151-/w0 | 150+/b0 | 17 | 105 | 625½ |
149 | 149 | Zach Lukas | Lukyn | 18K | CZ | Usti | 5 | 155+/w0 | 160+/b0 | 150+/b0 | 154+/b0 | 152+/w0 | 145-/b0 | 17 | 93 | 578½ |
150 | 150 | Bernaud Lucie | Lulurepsol35 | 16K | FR | 35Re | 2 | 152-/w0 | 143-/b0 | 149-/w0 | 165+/b0 | 154+/w0 | 148-/w0 | 16 | 97½ | 583½ |
151 | 151 | Mouial Maxime | hush-hush | 17K | FR | 75OB | 3 | 162+!w0 | 154-/b0 | 155+/b0 | 152-/w0 | 148+/b0 | 147-!w0 | 16 | 97 | 572½ |
152 | 152 | Komin Jan | Korny33 | 17K | CZ | APWS | 3 | 150+/b0 | 157+/w0 | 148-/w0 | 151+/b0 | 149-/b0 | 153-/w0 | 16 | 97 | 566 |
153 | 153 | Brun Mathieu | pastek17 | 20K | FR | 75Al | 6 | 172+/w0 | 158+/b0 | 157+/b0 | 155+/w0 | 156+/w0 | 152+/b0 | 16 | 87½ | 512 |
154 | 154 | Drabkova Pavla | LauraLibellulePapillon | 17K | CZ | Brno | 2 | 157+/b0 | 151+/w0 | 147-/b0 | 149-/w0 | 150-/b0 | 156-/b0 | 15 | 97 | 560½ |
155 | 155 | Ghetu Denis_Mihai | denismg | 18K | RO | Cluj | 3 | 149-/b0 | 161+/w0 | 151-/w0 | 153-/b0 | 164+/w0 | 160+/w0 | 15 | 88 | 526½ |
156 | 156 | Veillerobe Florent | qnpnpmqppnp | 20K | FR | 35Re | 5 | 166+/w0 | 163+/w0 | 160+/b0 | 161+/b0 | 153-/b0 | 154+/w0 | 15 | 82½ | 513 |
157 | 157 | Schramm Christina | Little_Owl | 17K | DE | KI | 1 | 154-/w0 | 152-/b0 | 153-/w0 | 0- | 161+/b0 | 0- | 14 | 86 | 520 |
158 | 158 | Ionita Virgil_Andrei | doctor repaus | 20K | Ro | 361! | 4 | 164-/w0 | 153-/w0 | 170+/b0 | 166+/b0 | 172+!w0 | 161+/w0 | 14 | 81 | 477 |
159 | 159 | Coseraru Vasile_Ciprian | aGOp | 20K | RO | C361 | 4 | 169-/w0 | 172-/b0 | 174+!b0 | 173+/w0 | 163+/b0 | 164+/w0 | 14 | 73½ | 457½ |
160 | 160 | Baker Lawrence | CoolestKoala | 18K | UK | Oxfd | 1 | 161-/b0 | 149-/w0 | 156-/w0 | 164-/w0 | 171+/w0 | 155-/b0 | 13 | 87 | 494½ |
161 | 161 | Jollivet Guy | gjollivet | 19K | FR | 75Al | 2 | 160+/w0 | 155-/b0 | 173+/b0 | 156-/w0 | 157-/w0 | 158-/b0 | 13 | 82½ | 501½ |
162 | 162 | Surd Justin | justin | 17K | US | NoCb | 0 | 151-!b0 | 0- | 0- | 0- | 0- | 0- | 13 | 81 | 487 |
163 | 163 | Jansen Uwe | Karzel | 20K | DE | Ludw | 3 | 175+!w0 | 156-/b0 | 171-/b0 | 172+!w0 | 159-/w0 | 174+/w1 | 13 | 80 | 438½ |
164 | 164 | Bijvank Roland | rbijvank | 20K | NL | Utre | 3 | 158+/b0 | 173+/w0 | 165-/w0 | 160+/b0 | 155-/b0 | 159-/b0 | 13 | 79½ | 486 |
165 | 165 | Frank Oliver | oliverfrank321 | 20K | UK | St A | 3 | 167+/b0 | 168+/w0 | 164+/b0 | 150-/w0 | 0- | 166-/w0 | 13 | 79½ | 464 |
166 | 166 | Collins Quinn Michael | kvaesir | 20K | US | NoCb | 3 | 156-/b0 | 170+/w0 | 169-!b0 | 158-/w0 | 174+/w0 | 165+/b0 | 13 | 79 | 457½ |
167 | 167 | Pietri Gia | Gia | 20K | Gr | NoCb | 3 | 165-/w0 | 174+/b0 | 172+!b0 | 168-/w0 | 169-/b0 | 170+/w0 | 13 | 78 | 441½ |
168 | 168 | Autrique Fabrice | Fab2 | 19K | FR | 35Re | 2 | 0- | 165-/b0 | 0- | 167+/b0 | 0- | 173+/w0 | 13 | 70 | 432½ |
169 | 169 | Rosbaeck Noel | Lerirmain | 20K | FI | YliG | 3 | 159+/b0 | 0- | 166+!w0 | 0- | 167+/w0 | 0- | 13 | 69½ | 410½ |
170 | 170 | Onishchenko Yaroslav | SlavaOnish | 20K | RU | 77Mo | 2 | 0- | 166-/b0 | 158-/w0 | 174+/w0 | 173+/b0 | 167-/b0 | 12 | 71 | 449 |
171 | 171 | Etoubleau Antoine | kilop0001 | 19K | FR | 35Re | 1 | 0- | 0- | 163+/w0 | 0- | 160-/b0 | 0- | 12 | 69 | 431 |
172 | 172 | Shehan William | Chicago_Will | 20K | US | AGA | 1 | 153-/b0 | 159+/w0 | 167-!w0 | 163-!b0 | 158-!b0 | 0- | 11 | 77½ | 460 |
173 | 173 | Jansen Katharina | VampirKa | 20K | DE | LB | 1 | 174+/w0 | 164-/b0 | 161-/w0 | 159-/b0 | 170-/w0 | 168-/b0 | 11 | 77 | 450½ |
174 | 174 | Chatterjee Arghya | arghya.chatterjee | 20K | IN | IAGA | 0 | 173-/b0 | 167-/w0 | 159-!w0 | 170-/b0 | 166-/b0 | 163-/b1 | 10 | 74 | 458½ |
175 | 175 | Pan David | King of Shrimps | 20K | US | Beiy | 0 | 163-!b0 | 0- | 0- | 0- | 0- | 0- | 10 | 62 | 380 |
The following partners and sponsors have generously supported this tournament !
If you would like to have your logo on this page feel free to contact us.
Frequently asked questions
Question | Answer |
I have registered and I paid the participation fee. Must I confirm my participation on-site before noon ? | Yes ! Before 12h00 ! |
Why do I have to confirm so early on-site ? The tournament only starts 2 hours later... | We have about 200 participants to verify. This takes a certain amount of time. There are always a few players who will not show up without notification... |
My train/métro/bus/air-place is late. I have registered and I paid in advance. May I noyify somebody ? | Hmmm. A little lateness may posibly be tolerated if you notify us. A mobile number will be communicated. |
I can't find the entry. Can you help me ? | 45, rue d'Ulm. You should enter by a small door for a sécurity check. They might ask you for your identy card.
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Visitors must register ? | Yes. There is a security controle at the entry. The univerity asks us for a list of all participants and visitors. If you are not on the list you might be refused to enter. |
I have not registered. May I still come ? | Hmmm. We have to give the university administration a list of all participants and vistors 24 hours before the tournament starts. Registrations need to be closed then. They might refuse tour access if you are not on the list. |
For any question, remark or suggestion, you can contact us by e-mail.
Foire aux questions
Question | Réponse |
Je suis pré-inscrit et j'ai payé. Doit-je venir le matin avant 12h pour confirmer mon inscription ? | Oui ! Avant midi ! |
Pourquoi faut-il confirmer son pré-inscription si tôt ? Le tournoi ne commence 2 heures plus tard... | Nous avons environ 200 joueurs à vérifier. Ca prends un certain temps. Il y a toujours de joueurs qui, malgré leur pré-inscription, ne viennent pas sans prévenir... |
Mon train/métro/bus/avion a du retard. Je suis pré-inscrit et j'ai payé. Peux-je prévenir quelqu'un? | Hmmm. Un petit retard peut éventuellement être toléré si vous prevenez. Un numéro téléphone va être commuiqué. |
J'ai du mal à trouver l'entrée. Vous pouvez m'aider? | 45, rue d'Ulm. Vous devrez entrer par un sas de sécurité. On vous demande éventuellement une pièce d'identité.
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Les visiteurs doivent être inscrit? | Oui. Il y a un crontrôle de sécurité à l'entrée. L'école nous demande une liste avec les noms de tous les participants et tous les visiteurs, accomagnateurs. Si vous n'êtes pas sur la liste, l'accès peut vous être réfusé par les vigils de l'école. |
Je ne me suis pas pré-inscrit. Je peux quand même participer? | Hmmm. Normalement tous les noms des partcipants doivent être communiqué 24 heures avant le début du tournoi. Vous risquez de vous faire réfuser l'accès à l'école si vous n'êtes pas sur la liste. Pour cette raison les pré-inscriptions doivent aussi fermer 24 avant le début du tournoi. |
Pour toute question, remarque ou suggestion, vous pouvez nous contacter par e-mail.